Institute of Psychology of the ASCR, v. v. i.

ASEP Publications

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Records found: 11

0428253 - PSU-E 2015 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Blatný, Marek - Sobotková, Veronika - Jelínek, Martin - Kepák, T. - Komárková, I.
Zdroje emoční pohody (well-being) u dospívajících po onkologické léčbě.
[Sources of emotional well-being in adolescents after oncological treatment.]
Česká a Slovenská psychiatrie. Roč. 110, č. 2 (2014), s. 61-66. ISSN 1212-0383
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP407/11/2421
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: emotional well-being * childhood cancer survivors * adolescence
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
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0425106 - PSU-E 2015 RIV BE eng J - Journal Article
Hřebíčková, Martina - Graf, Sylvie
Accuracy of National Stereotypes in Central Europe: Outgroups Are Not Better than Ingroup in Considering Personality Traits of Real People.
European Journal of Personality. Roč. 28, č. 1 (2014), s. 60-72. ISSN 0890-2070
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-25656S
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: national autostereotypes * national heterostereotypes * stereotype accuracy
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
Impact factor: 1.950, year: 2013
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0427599 - PSU-E 2015 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Kollerová, Lenka - Janošová, Pavlína - Říčan, Pavel
Good and evil at school: Bullying and moral evaluation in early adolescence.
Journal of Moral Education. Roč. 43, č. 1 (2014), s. 18-31. ISSN 0305-7240
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP407/12/2325
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: aggressive behavior * bullying * moral cognition
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
Impact factor: 0.306, year: 2013
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0428772 - PSU-E 2015 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Löckenhoff, C. E. - Chan, W. - McCrae, R. R. - De Fruyt, F. - Jussim, L. - De Bolle, L. J. - Costa Jr., P. T. - Sutin, A. R. - Realo, A. - Allik, J. - Nakazato, K. - Shimonaka, Y. - Hřebíčková, Martina - Graf, Sylvie - Yik, M. - Ficková, E. - Brunner-Sciarra, M. - Leibovich de Figueroa, N. - Schmidt, V. - Ahn, Chyng-kyu - Ahn, Hyun-nie - Aguilar-Vafaie, M.E. - Siuta, J. - Szmigielska, B. - Cain, T.R. - Crawford, J.T. - Mastor, K.A. - Rolland, J. P. - Nansubuga, F. - Miramontez, D.R. - Benet-Martínez, V. - Rossier, J. - Bratko, D. - Marušić, I. - Halberstadt, J. - Knežević, G. - Martin, T. A. - Gheorghiu, M. - Smith, P. B. - Barbaranelli, C. - Wang, L. - Shakespeare-Finch, J. - Lima, M.P. - Klinkosz, W. - Sekowski, A. - Alcalay, L. - Simonetti, F. - Avdeyeva, T.V. - Pramila, V.S. - Terracciano, A.
Gender Stereotypes of Personality: Universal and Accurate?.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Roč. 45, č. 5 (2014), s. 675-694. ISSN 0022-0221
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-25656S
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: personality * gender/sex roles * development
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
Impact factor: 1.746, year: 2013
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0425141 - PSU-E 2015 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Marková, Gabriela - Smolík, Filip
What Do You Think? The Relationship between Person Reference and Communication About the Mind in Toddlers.
Social Development. Roč. 23, č. 1 (2014), s. 61-79. ISSN 0961-205X
R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP407/10/2047; GA ČR GPP407/10/P610
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: social cognition * personal pronouns * verb conjugation * mental state language
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
Impact factor: 1.382, year: 2013
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0428349 - PSU-E 2015 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Poláčková Šolcová, Iva - Lačev, A. - Šolcová, Iva
Study of individual and group affective processes in the crew of a simulated mission to Mars: Positive affectivity as a valuable indicator of changes in the crew affectivity.
Acta Astronautica. Roč. 100, - (2014), s. 57-67. ISSN 0094-5765
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP407/11/2226
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: Mars-500 * Group isolation * Emotion * Emotion regulation * Mood
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
Impact factor: 0.816, year: 2013
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0425076 - PSU-E 2015 US eng J - Journal Article
Sircova, A. - van de Vijver, F.J.R - Osin, E. - Milfont, T.L - Fieulaine, N. - Kislali-Erginbilgic, A. - Zimbardo, P.G. - Djarallah, S. - Chorfi, M.S. - do Rego Leite, U. - Lin, H. - Lv, H. - Bunjevac, T. - Tomaš, T. - Punek, J. - Vrlec, A. - Matić, J. - Bokulić, M. - Klicperová-Baker, Martina - Košťál, J. - Seema, R. - Baltin, A. - Apostolidis, T. - Pediaditakis, D. - Griva, F. - Anagnostopoulos, F. - Carmi, C. - Goroshit, M. - Peri, M. - Shimojima, Y. - Sato, K. - Ochi, K. - Kairys, A. - Liniauskaite, A. - Corral-Verdugo, V. - Przepiorka, A. - Blachnio, A. - Ortuño, V.E.C. - Gamboa, V. - Mitina, O. - Semyenova, N. - Gerasimova, V. - Rawski (Nepryakho), T. - Kuleshova, E. - Polskaya, N. - Tulinov, N. - Romanko, I. - Semina, Y. - Nikitina, E. - Yasnaya, V. - Davydova, I. - Utyasheva, E. - Emeliyanova, I. - Ershova, R. - Nedeljkovic, J. - Díaz Morales, J.F. - Carelli, M.G. - Wiberg, B. - Boniwell, I. - Linley, P.A. - Boyd, J.N.
A Global Look at Time: A 24-Country Study of the Equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory.
SAGE Open. Roč. 4, January-March (2014), s. 1-12. ISSN 2158-2440
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory * time perspective * equivalence * cross-cultural research
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
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0427685 - PSU-E 2015 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Šikl, Radovan - Šimeček, Michal
Confinement has no effect on visual space perception: The results of the Mars-500 experiment.
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. Roč. 76, č. 2 (2014), s. 438-451. ISSN 1943-3921
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP407/12/2528
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: visual space perception * perspective * Mars-500 * size judgment * size constancy * confinement
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
Impact factor: 2.152, year: 2013
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0425975 - PSU-E 2015 RIV DE eng B - Monograph kniha jako celek
Vobořil, Dalibor - Květon, Petr - Jelínek, Martin
Psychological Machinery: Experimental Devices in Early Psychological Laboratories.
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2014. 130 s. ISBN 978-3-631-64130-9
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: history of psychology * psychological laboratories * experimental instruments
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
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0424601 - PSU-E 2015 US eng M - Monograph chapter
Zábrodská, Kateřina
Between femininity and feminism: negotiating the identity of a ‘Czech socialist woman’ in women’s accounts of state socialism.
The Politics of Gender Culture under State Socialism: An Expropriated Voice. New York : Routledge, 2014 - (Havelková, H.; Oates-Indruchová, L.), s. 109-132 ISBN 978-0-415-72083-0. - (Routledge Research in Gender and Politics)
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: critical discursive psychology * feminism * interpretative repertoires * state socialism * women’s identity
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
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0427178 - PSU-E 2015 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Zábrodská, Kateřina - Ellwood, C. - Zaemdaar, S. - Mudrák, Jiří
Workplace bullying as sensemaking: An analysis of target and actor perspectives on initial hostile interactions.
Culture and Organization. x, x (2014), x-x. ISSN 1475-9551
R&D Projects: GA ČR GPP407/10/P146
Institutional Support: RVO:68081740
Keywords: workplace bullying * workplace hostility * sensemaking * target * actor * collective biography * stories
Subject RIV: AN - Psychology
Impact factor: 0.531, year: 2013
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