Event detail


Date: 12/3/2008
Where: Brussels

The workshop "Evaluation and Impact Assesment of European Framework Programmes for Research and Development" will be organized in the frame of French presidency by the Czech Liaison Office for R&D in Brussels CZELO and CLORA (Club des Organismes français de Recherche Associés), with the collaboration of STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment, European Parliament).


The event will take place on 3rd December in the European Parliament building in Brussels. It will focus on presentations and discussions regarding the issue of methodology for evaluations and impact assessment studies, so that results are comparable and allow an overall synthesis giving a global view of what has been achieved with the FPs. The Workshop will include a Commission’s presentation of its organization and evaluation strategy, contributions from experts in public policy evaluation, presentation of existing studies and approaches at the levels of the EU institutions, member states and stakeholders. Attention will be also given to lessons on how to implement the outcome of evaluation.


You will find more information and the programme here.

To register for the workshop please use this link.


  • Name: Lenka Lepicova
  • Organizator Phone: +32 (0)2 514 66 73
  • Organizer E-mail: lepicova@tc.cz