Research in Czechoslovak History in the Period of the Two Totalitarian Regimes (1938-1989) and after the Collapse of Communism

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Research in Czechoslovak History in the Period of the Two Totalitarian Regimes (1938-1989) and after the Collapse of Communism 2005-2010 Research Programme; Person in charge: Dr Oldřich Tůma; Beneficiary: Institute of Contemporary History in the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Provider: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

  • Primary source research in contemporary Czechoslovak/Czech history (1938-1989), post-Communist period, history of sciences in the 20th century; analysis, reconstruction, interpretation
  • Documentation of contemporary history, editorial activities, publishing of professional (subject–oriented) journal
  • Building-up: contemporary history as university subject of studies, professional library with admission for researchers, students and the public


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus Disappeared Science

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