Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

Magazín České noviny, 23.9.2014.

Silnější lasery nové generace...

Česká televize Déčko, pořad "Lovci záhad", 23.9.2014.


NOVINKY.CZ, 22.9.2014.

V Dolních Břežanech vyrostlo unikátní...

Český rozhlas Studio Leonardo, 12.9.2014.

Současné kosmologické...


Úterý, 07.10.2014 10:00 - 11:00

Nikolaj Moll (IBM Research Zurich, Ruschlikon, Switzerland)

Using functionalized tips, the atomic resolution of a single organic molecule can be achieved by atomic force microscopy (AFM) operating in the regime of short-ranged repulsive Pauli forces while the van der Waals and electrostatic interactions only add a diffuse attractive background. To theoretically describe the atomic contrast a simple model is introduced in which the Pauli repulsion is assumed to follow a power law as a function of the probed charge density. Even, different bond orders of individual carbon-carbon bonds in organic molecules can be distinguished by AFM.

Úterý, 07.10.2014 10:00 - 11:20

Petr Ondrejkovič (Oddělení dielektrik)

Dynamics of nanoscale polarization fluctuations in a SBN-61 single crystal: overview of our recent inelastic netron scattering experiments with a sub-milielectronvolt energy resolution; relevance of Vogel-Fulcher law to diffuse scattering in uniaxial relaxor crystals)

Čtvrtek, 09.10.2014 10:00 - 11:00

Yasuo Koide (Network and Facilities Services Division; Wide Bandgap Materials Group, Optical and Electronic Materials Unit, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan)

Diamond has an attractive interest as one of next-generation power electronics materials. Since the sheet hole density in the hydrogenated-diamond surface was reported to be as high as 1E14 cm-2 which was one or two orders larger than other semiconductors. Therefore, we should use such the big advantage and then have to develop the high-k gate dielectric for diamond in order to control the high-density hole carrier.

Pondělí, 13.10.2014 14:00

Richard Lednický (FZÚ AV ČR, SÚJV Dubna)

Minulé semináře

Dr. Joerg Wunderlich Colloquium Cukrovarnická - Spin Hall effect transistor 21.10.2010 15:00
Iegor Rafalovskyi Irradiation influence on charge carrier transport in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure 21.10.2010 10:00
Jan Kuneš Počítačové modelovaní elektronových korelací v pevných látkách 20.10.2010 15:00
Andrea Campoleoni Asymptotic symmetries of 3D gravity coupled to higher-spin fields 11.10.2010 15:00
Dr. Marina Tjunina Epitaxial control of polar order in perovskites 08.10.2010 13:00
Andrea Taroni Atomistic Spin Dynamics of Low-dimensional Magnets 06.10.2010 15:00
Stéphane Sebban Progress on laser driven x-ray sources at the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée 06.10.2010 09:30
Dr. Pedro de Andres Physical chemistry on graphene 05.10.2010 10:00
David Šálek Měření difrakční longitudinální strukturní funkce protonu v experimentu H1 01.10.2010 13:30
Pavel Marton Atomic origin of ferroelectric hardening in PbTiO3 and Pb(ZrTi)O3 24.09.2010 16:00
Taneli Laamanen Electronic Structure of Rare Earth Ions in the Sr2MgSi2O7 Persistent Luminescence Host Material 24.09.2010 14:00
Kateřina Kůsová Vliv organické pasivace na optické vlastnosti křemíkových nanokrystalů 23.09.2010 13:00
Igor Beinik Electrical characterization of semiconductor nanostructures by scanning probe microscopy based techniques 21.09.2010 14:00
Petr Němec MLD in (Ga,Mn)As 15.09.2010 15:00
Dr. Daisuke Takeuchi Single Crystal Diamond Electronic Devices 10.09.2010 14:00
Tomáš Ostatnický Spontaneous coherence in systems of cavity polaritons 07.09.2010 10:00
Ashoke Sen Extremal black hole entropy 30.08.2010 15:00
Julien Pernot Mobility in homoepitaxial doped diamond 20.07.2010 13:00
Kiyoka Okada First direct confirmation of nano-nucleation and new nucleation theory 19.07.2010 14:00
prof. Masamichi Hikosaka New polymer crystallization mechanism and realization of the ultra high performances 19.07.2010 10:00
Darrell G. Schlom A thin film approach to engineering functionality into oxides 30.06.2010 15:00
Karsten Held Dynamical vertex approximation - a step beyond dynamical mean field theory 29.06.2010 15:00
Dieter Lüst Strings at LHC 24.06.2010 15:00
Ansgar Liebsch Correlation induced spin freezing transition in FeSe and FeAsLaO: a dynamical mean field study 24.06.2010 14:00
Dr. Victor Sokolov Optical evidence of strong d-p coupling in Zn1-xMnxO 23.06.2010 13:00
Miloš Lokajíček ml. Program Fermilab a spolupráce s ČR 21.06.2010 15:00
Jan Hladký 50 let DESY 17.06.2010 15:00
Christian Colliex EELS mapping, a key component for the exploration of the nanoworld 17.06.2010 10:00
Ilja Turek Ab initio theory of galvanomagnetic phenomena in random and non-random ferromagnets 15.06.2010 15:00
J. Kulveit, MFF UK Nukleace kvantových teček v halogenidových matricích 15.06.2010 13:00

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