Detail akce

7th Eastern European eGov Days: eGovernment & eBusiness Ecosystem & eJustice

Datum: 22.4.200924.4.2009
Kde: Praha

7. ročník mezinárodní konference Východoevropské dny eGovernmentu se koná v areálu Břevnovského kláštera v Praze jako doprovodná akce českého předsednictví EU.

Registrace a podrobné informace:  



April 22 - workshops                


April 23 - Conference Opening, plenary panels, thematic sessions Conference Gala dinner.
April 24 - Plenary panels and thematic sessions


V  tematických sekcích se bude diskutovat o následujících otázkách (jednání konference probíhá v angličtině bez simultánního tlumočení):


I.                 Government Transformation and eService provision

  • Personal Data Protection & eGovernment Interoperability
  • Identification and Authentication, Security and Identity Management
  • Information and Data Security
  • Trust (political, economic, social, technological) & Responsibilities
  • Future of customer-centric ICT-enabled services
  • eDemocracy & eParticipation


II.                Digital Government & Business Ecosystem

  • Responsive governance and eParticipation, Social Capital and Public Democratic Values.
  • Vertical and horizontal integration & G2G, G2B, G2C services
  • Government as Open Source (not only FLOSS aspect)
  • eGovernment & eBusiness Ecosystem: concepts, models and challenges
  • Economic and financial aspects, processes, models
  • Evaluation and measurement of eGovernment
  • eProcurement
  • Semantic technologies

-        eCrime in Networked Government.


III.              eJustice

  • Judicial decisions on-line (data protection/anonymization, accessibility, applications, uniform gateways, semantic search systems etc.)
  • On-line publication of black-letter law (availability of national laws incl. language issues, search engines, publication of consolidated versions, multi-jurisdictional systems, unification of search criteria and search terms, semantic systems etc.
  • IT support of the judiciary (judicial databases,electronic file administration, voice recognition, semantic help, IT support of decision making, etc.)
  • Legal aspects of e-government implementation
  • Electronic court filing (electronic court file, electronic submissions, electronic documents in justice, electronic hearings, electronic decisions, official forms of electronic communication etc.)
  • Security and authenticationin judicial systems (securing judicial systems, access control,resisting attacksand accidents, real-time protection etc.). eCrime legal aspects


IV.              Public Sector Information

    • National implementation of Directive 2003/98/EC throughout Europe (experience, opinions, outlook)
    • Innovative PSI products & packages originated from public sector bodies or modified by private companies (business, geographic, meteorology, traffic, socio-economical, legal etc.)
    • Accessibility of PSI and its privacy issues
    • Economic issues of PSI
    • Problems and challenges of data holders
    • The end users’ view


Konferenci doprovodí malá výstava a večerní vystoupení českého komorního sboru Gutta Musicae.
