Saturday, 4 10 2014

Last update03.10 15:20

Assessment of help to others

During last year, we mostly provided help to our families (75% of respondents) and friends (55%). We also supported our acquaintances (39%) and distant relatives (29%). A third of those surveyed helped, during last year, a non-profit organisation or charity, and more than a fifth helped unknown people. Those who stated to have helped a non-profit organisation or charity last year, mentioned mostly some of the flood bank accounts, the Red Cross, Charitas – a catholic charity, the League against cancer, the Man in need organisation, ADRA, Help the children campaign or the Fund for children in danger. Most of the polled made a financial contribution to the organisations (83%), or gave non-financial donations (almost a half of the polled) and nearly a third worked for these organisations. What motivates people to help non-profit organisations and charities? Nearly all of them consider the help to be their moral duty (95%) and it brings them pleasure at the same time (91%). Another reason is inspiration by family or friends (85%). Almost two thirds of those polled hope that if they help others, they themselves will be helped in the future. On the other hand, 44% of respondents help to return help they received in the past. Almost a third of the people help others because of religious attitudes or a possibility to learn new things. 13% of respondents help others because of political attitudes.


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