Saturday, 4 10 2014

Last update03.10 15:20

Public opinion about environment

As a part of May survey there were some questions concerning public opinion of environment. The results show us that most respondents are satisfied with environment in the place they live. Dissatisfaction with it was expressed by a quarter of respondents. Environment in Czech Republic is positively evaluated by a half of respondents on contrary almost a half of people are dissatisfied with it.

When evaluating concrete elements or areas of environment satisfaction of czech citizens prevailed. Accessibility of free nature, cleanness of nature and duality of drinking water were best evaluated on the other hand surface water pollution and level of noise were negatively assessed.

Addressed citizens also were asked some questions about current situation of ecological legislation and ecological behaviour of some subjects. The worst evaluated was attitude of some enterprises or firms to environment.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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