Antagonistic roles of abscisic acid and cytokinin during response to nitrogen depletion in oleaginous microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica expand the evolutionary breadth of phytohormone function

Lu Y., Tarkowská D., Turečková V., Luo T., Xin Y, Li J, Wang Q, Jiao N., Strnad M., Xu J.
PLANT JOURNAL DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12615 : , 2014
Keywords: Nannochloropsis oceanica, antagonistic synergy between abscisic acid and cytokinin, phytohormone evolution, stress response, cell cycle progression

Wheat syntenome unveils new evidences of contrasted evolutionary plasticity between paleo- and neoduplicated subgenomes

Pont, C., Murat, F., Guizard, S., Flores, R., Foucrier, S., Bidet, Y., Quraishi, U.M., Alaux, M., Doležel, J., Fahima, T., Budak, H., Keller, B., Salvi, S., Maccaferri, M., Steinbach, D., Feuillet, C., Quesneville, H., Salse, J.
PLANT JOURNAL 76 : 1030-1044 , 2013
Keywords: paleogenomics, dominance, partitioning, conserved orthologous set, single nucleotide polymorphism

The exocyst complex contributes to PIN auxin efflux carrier recycling and polar auxin transport in Arabidopsis

Drdová EJ., Synek L., Pečenková T., Hála M., Kulich I., Fowler JE., Murphy AS., Zárský V.
PLANT JOURNAL 73 : 709-719 , 2013

The Arabidopsis concentration-dependent influx/efflux transporter ABCB4 regulates cellular auxin levels in the root epidermis

Kubeš M.*, Yang H.*, Richter G.L.*, Cheng Y., Młodzińska E., Wang X., Blakeslee J.J., Carraro N., Petrášek J., Zažímalová E., Hoyerová K., Peer W.A., Murphy A.S.
PLANT JOURNAL 69 : 640-654 , 2012

Next-generation sequencing and syntenic integration of flow-sorted arms of wheat chromosome 4A exposes the chromosome structure and gene content

Hernandez, P., Martis, M., Dorado, G., Pfeifer, M., Gálvez, S., Schaaf, S., Jouve, N., Šimková, H., Valárik, M., Doležel, J., Mayer, K.F.X.
PLANT JOURNAL 69 : 377–386 , 2012
Keywords: wheat genome, chromosome sorting, genome zipper, grass comparative genomics, wheat shotgun chromosome, Triticeae genome

The phosphomimetic mutation of an evolutionarily conserved serine residue affects the signaling properties of Rho of plants (ROPs)

Fodor-Dunai C., Fricke I., Potocký M., Dorjgotov D., Domoki M., Jurca M.E., Otvös K., Žárský V., Berken A., Fehér A.
PLANT JOURNAL 66 : 669-679 , 2011
Keywords: Rho GTPase;plant-specific ROP nucleotide exchanger;ROP guanine nucleotide exchange factor;phosphorylation;ROP interacting receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase;pollen tube growth

Arabidopsis RAB geranylgeranyl transferase beta-subunit mutant is constitutively photomorphogenic, and has shoot growth and gravitropic defects.

Hála M., Soukupová H., Synek L., Žárský V.
PLANT JOURNAL 62(4) : 615-27 , 2010

Mutual regulation of plant phospholipase D and the actin cytoskeleton.

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PLANT JOURNAL 62 : 494-507 , 2010
Keywords: phospholipase D, actin, signaling, pollen tube, tip growth, Nicotiana tabacum

Probing plant membranes with FM dyes: tracking, dragging or blocking?

Adriana Jelínková*, Kateřina Malínská*, Sibu Simon, Juergen Kleine-Vehn, Markéta Pařezová, Přemysl Pejchar, Martin Kubeš, Jan Martinec, Jiří Friml, Eva Zažímalová and Jan Petrášek
PLANT JOURNAL 61 : 883-892 , 2010
Keywords: FM 4-64, FM 1-43, plasma membrane, tobacco BY-2 cells, endocytosis

Treatment of Vicia faba root tip cells with specific inhibitors to cyclin-dependent kinase leads to abnormal spindle formation.

Binarová, P., Doležel, J., Dráber P., Heberle-Bors, E., Strnad, M and Bögre, L.
PLANT JOURNAL 16 : 697-707 , 1998
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