Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase activation is an early response to salicylic acid in arabidopsis suspension cells

Krinke, O.; Ruelland, E.; Valentová, O.; Vergnolle, Ch.; Renou, J.P.; Taconnat, L.; Flemr, M.; Burketová, Lenka; Zachowski, A.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 144 [3] : 1347-1359 , 2007
Keywords: Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase; salicylic acid; Arabidopsis

Topolins and hydroxylated thidiazuron derivatives are substrates of cytokinin O-glucosyltransferase with position specificity related to receptor recognition

Mok, M. C.; Martin, R. C.; Dobrev, Petre; Vaňková, Radomíra; Yonekura-Sakakibara, K.; Sakakibara, H.; Mok, D. W. S.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 137 [3] : 1057-1066 , 2005

Osmotically induced cell swelling versus cell shrinking elicits specific changes in phospholipid signals in tobacco pollen tubes

Zonia, Laura; Munnik, T.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 134 [2] : 813-823 , 2004

O-Glucosylation of cis-Zeatin in Maize. Characterization of Genes, Enzymes, and Endogenous Cytokinins

Veach, Y. K.; Martin, R. C.; Mok, D. W. S.; Malbeck, Jiří; Vaňková, Radomíra; Mok, M. C.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 131 [3] : 1374-1380 , 2003
Keywords: Cis-cytokinin; O-glucosylation; Zea Mays

Do Phytotropins Inhibit Auxin Efflux by Impairing Vesicle Traffic?

Petrášek, Jan; Černá, A.; Schwarzerová, K.; Elčkner, Miroslav; Morris, David; Zažímalová, Eva
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 131 [1] : 254-263 , 2003
Keywords: 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid; BY-2 tobacco; auxin efflux

The Arabidopsis AtIPT8/PGA22 gene encodes an isopentenyl transferase that is involved in de novo cytokinin biosynthesis

Sun, J.; Niu, Q. W.; Tarkowski, Petr; Zheng, B.; Tarkowská, Danuše; Sandberg, G.; Chua, N. H.; Zuo, J.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 131 [1] : 167-176 , 2003
Keywords: Arabidopsis; Cytokinin Biosynthesis; Isopentenyl Transferase

SEC8, a subunit of the putative Arabidopsis exocyst complex, facilitates pollen germination and competitive pollen tube growth.

Cole R.A., Synek L., Žárský V., Fowler J.E.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 138 : 2005-2018 , 2005
Keywords: exocyst, pollen, SEC8, mutant, Arabidopsis

Comparative analysis of Arabidopsis pollen transcriptome

Honys, D. & Twell, D.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 132 : 640-652 , 2003

Expression Patterns of a Novel AtCHX Gene Family Highlight Potential Roles in Osmotic Adjustment and K1 Homeostasis in Pollen Development

Sze, H., Padmanaban, S., Cellier, F., Honys, D., Cheng, N., Bock, K.W., Conéjéro, G., Li, X., Twell, D., Ward, J.M., Hirschi, K.D.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 136 : 2532-2547 , 2004

Integrating membrane transport with male gametophyte development and function through transcriptomics

Bock, K.W., Honys, D., Ward, J.M., Padmanaban, S., Nawrocki, E.P., Hirschi, K.D., Twell, D. & Sze, H.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 140 : 1151-1168 , 2006
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