Latest Events
Conference: Equal Opportunities on the Threshold of Czech Homes with Vilém Semerák (Jun 13, 2014)
Special lecture by prof. Steven Rivkin on education (Apr 29, 2014)
The EEAG Report on the European Economy - presenation organized by Vilém Semerák (Mar 26, 2014)
IDEA Discussion Forum: “Tax on High Incomes: Reforming the Reform”, see the background study (Dec 9, 2013)
IDEA for Breakfast: Discussion with journalists and the Macroeconomic Forecast of the Czech Republic (Nov 14, 2013)
IDEA Discussion Forum:“Czech Taxes before the Elections: Who pays and how much?”, see the first and second background study (Oct 8, 2013)
IDEA for Breakfast: Discussion with journalists and “Pension system: Scenarios of Future Development”, see the background study (Jun 19, 2013)
IDEA Policy Forum: “TAXBEN model - the distribution of tax rates in population and the evaluation of income tax reform” (Jun 10, 2013)
IDEA for Breakfast: Discussion with journalists and results of the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (May 30, 2013)
IDEA Discussion Forum: “Could China Save Czech Export?”, see the background study (Dec 13, 2012)
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