doc. Tomáš Marvan, PhD.

Deputy director for scientific activities in the institute

Research interests:

contemporary philosophy of mind, language and neuroscience; analytical ontology; early-modern philosophy, with a special interest in Descartes and Hume

email: marvan@flu.cas.czThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Biographical Note

Tomáš Marvan (1974) studied philosophy at Charles University, Prague (M.A., Ph.D.). He currently focuses on the problem and conceptions of consciousness in naturalized philosophy of mind and cognitive psychology and neuroscience. He is working, with dr. Michal Polák, on a book on phenomenal consciousness.

In the past decade, Tomáš Marvan has served as an associated lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies and at the Department of Logic at Charles University in Prague and the Departments of philosophy at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and Masaryk university in Brno.

Selected publications

Books (authored)

- The Question of Meaning. Paths of Analytical Philosophy of Language (Otázka významu. Cesty analytické filosofie jazyka). Prague: Togga, 2010, 202 pp.

- Realism and Relativism (Realismus a relativismus). Prague: Academia, 2014, 147 pp.

Books (edited)

- What Determines Content? The Internalism/Externalism Dispute (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006).

- (with M. Zouhar) The World of Language and the World beyond Language. A Festschrift for Pavel Cmorej (Bratislava: Veda, 2007).

Papers and contributions to books

- "Brandomian aporia (and one way out)ˮ, in: Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 37 (2002).

- "Interpretability, perceptual sensibilities and triangulationˮ, in: Sats – Nordic Journal of Philosophy 4 (2003), 2.

- (with M. Lasonen) "Davidson's triangulation: content-endowing causes and circularityˮ, in: International Journal of Philosophical Studies 12 (2004), 2.

- "Is Rorty a linguistic idealist?", in: Human Affairs 21 (2011), 3.

- "Searle on external realism and 'privileged conceptual scheme'". in: Organon F 19 (2012), Supplementary Volume Issue 2

- (with Marek Havlík) "Default mode network and the problem of determining intrinsic mental contents" (Submitted)


- Review of Patricia S. Churchland, Touching a Nerve. Organon F 21 (2014), 1.

- (with Stefanie Dach) Review essay on Alex Rosenberg, The Atheist's Guide to Reality. Forthcoming in Science and Education.


- (with P. Glombíček and P. Zavadil) René Descartes (et alii), Meditations on the First Philosophy. Objections and Replies to the Meditations on the First Philosophy (Prague: Oikoymenh, 2003).

- (with J. Kolář) Donald Davidson, Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective (Prague: Filosofia, 2004).

- David Hume, Dialogues on Natural Religion. Prague: Dybbuk, 2013.

Fellowships and awards

CIMO Fellowship (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Alexander von Humboldt Research and Return Fellowship (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)

Otto Wichterle Award


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