Věda a výzkum

Přednášky a semináře

Pravidelné semináře pořádáme jednou měsíčně během akademického roku (říjen až červen, zpravidla první pondělí v měsíci) od 13 hod v seminární místnosti pracoviště Ondřejov.

Příští seminář

16. 06. 2014
Pavel Koten
Search for faint meteors on the orbits of Pribram and Neuschwanstein meteorites
Abstract: We observed the faint meteors on the orbits close to the orbits of Pribram and Neuschwanstein meteorite falls and investigated the possibility that they belong to the stream. Several meteors with low orbital similarity criteria to Pribram and Neuschwanstein meteoroids were found. The atmospheric trajectories and heliocentric orbits of the detected meteors were analyzed to determine whether they are members of the same shower. An orbital evolution model was applied on a certain number of cloned particles to investigate their possible connection with the meteorite stream. Statistical tests were conducted to determine if such small sample of the orbits is similar by chance or if the stream is real. It was found that from the observational as well as the theoretical point of view it is impossible to prove the existence of faint meteor shower connected with the Pribram and Neuschwanstein meteorite stream.

Archiv minulých seminářů


Dále se konají menší tématické semináře jednotlivých oddělení:

Semináře slunečního oddělení

Vždy v úterý ve 13:00 (září–červen, s výjimkou úterků po celoústavním semináři) v zasedací místnosti slunečního oddělení pracoviště Ondřejov.

Program seminářů

04/11/2014, 13:00
Stanislava Šimberová
Oscillation Analysis of Dynamic Processes by Statistical Moments of High Order
Abstract: A new approach to image analysis in temporal sequence of images is presented. The method is based on high-order statistical moments giving interesting information about a dynamic event in the video sequence. The moments enable precise determination of the "turning points" in the temporal sequence of images. The moment's curves are analyzed by continuous complex Morlet wavelet that leads to the description of quasi-periodic processes in the investigated event as a time sequence of local spectra. These local spectra are compared with Fourier spectrum. The performance on the real data sets from the ground based observations is shown.


Semináře oddělení GPS

Obvykle v pondělí od 14 hod v přednáškové místnosti pracoviště Praha–Spořilov.

Program seminářů

05. 11. 2014, 15:00
Anastasios Epitropakis
University of Crete
Signals of X-ray reverberation in the AGN "iron-line/continuum" delays
Abstract: X-ray reverberation has been an important tool in constraining the X-ray source geometry and emission mechanism in AGN for more than a decade. With the discovery of the so-called "soft lags" in various AGN starting with 1H 0707-495 in 2009, their interpretation as "light echoes" from a hot disc of illuminated material orbiting close to a super-massive black hole has opened a new realm of possibilities for putting tight constraints on the X-ray continuum/reflector geometry. Contemporary works have shifted their attention to the study of delays between the X-ray continuum and the broad iron-line (~5-7 keV), observed in the X-ray spectra of several AGN, whose strength and shape makes it the best available candidate for having a clear reflection origin. In this talk I will discuss and present the latest results of the work that I have been doing as part of my PhD thesis regarding the study of these so-called "iron-line/continuum" delays.
(Takes place at: Sporilov library)


Semináře stelárního oddělení

Ve čtvrtek od 14:00 v seminární místnosti stelárního oddělení.

Program seminářů