Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis

    • A new IDEA study shows that the success of a given candidate depends on unimportant factors. For example, details presented on the ballot paper seem to play a big role in the decision of voters. This is probably caused by the fact that searching information on candidates prior to the elections is costly.

  • Upcoming Events

    • Prof. Steven Rivkin is giving a public lecture at CERGE-EI titled Decentralization, School Leaders, and the Quality of Teaching. April 29th from 4:30 p.m. More information here.

      Forthcoming studies:

      Regional price differences

      Employment in retirement age

    • Matěj Bajgar and Petr Janský show that the relative value of average real wages is significantly affected by the differences in regional price levels. For instance, residents of Prague may seem relatively richer at first sight; however, after taking into account the price level, people living in Prague can afford as much as the inhabitants of other regions.

    • New IDEA publication analyzes Czech public sector. The key findings can be summarized in the following points:

      The Czech public sector employs around 935 thousand people, nearly a fifth of the country’s workforce. Approximately 420 thousand of them have their salaries paid and regulated by the state.

  • Highlights

    • IDEA congratulates Daniel Herman, a former member of the IDEA team, for becoming the Minister of Culture in the new Czech government (Jan 29, 2014)