Visegrádské číslo
Sociological aspects of Central Europe
Laboratories of Integration
Divided twin towns in the Visegrad countries and Germany
by Marcin Dębicki and Máté Tamáska
From people to power
How do politicians represent their recruitment into parliament?
A comparative analysis of the Visegrad countries
by András Nógrádi and Dániel Oross
Public maternalism in the Czech Republic and Hungary
work-family policies in two post-socialist welfare states
by Martina Kampichler and Erika Kispéter
Integration vs marginalization
Shaping the patterns of circular migration
by Galyna Gorodetska
The issue of Central Europe in major Czech and Slovak sociology journals
Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review and Sociológia/Slovak Sociological Review
between 1990 and 2000
by Dušan Janák and Robert Klobucký
Texts, structures and experiences
The society of state socialist Hungary in a historical perspective
by György Majtényi
Project partners:
- Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Project funded by the International Visegrad Fund (project ID 11320172).