Alumni Profiles
Ondřej Rydval
Czech Republic, PhD 2007
Ondřej Rydval is Deputy Director for Administration at CERGE-EI. Before accepting that position he was Deputy Director for Public Relations and Development at CERGE-EI, a position he took on after working as a Research Associate at the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Jena, Germany. He also retains his Postdoctoral Fellow status at the Economics Institute, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. Before his graduate studies at CERGE-EI, Ondřej earned a BA with honors in Economics from the University of Cambridge, UK. During his studies at CERGE-EI, he spent time as a visiting student researcher at California Institute of Technology. He received his PhD degree in 2007 with a dissertation thesis entitled "The Impact of Financial Incentives on Task Performance: The Role of Cognitive Abilities and Intrinsic Motivation."
His primary research interests are Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics, Experimental Methods and Cognitive Sciences. He has contributed with a number of working papers, publications in refereed journals and chapters in books, including "How Certain Is the Uncertainty Effect", with Andreas Ortmann, Sasha Prokosheva and Ralph Hertwig in Experimental Economics and "Three Very Simple Games and What It Takes to Solve Them", with Andreas Ortmann and Michal Ostatnický in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.