Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


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Institute of Physics ASCR, v. v. i. (FZU) is a public research institute, oriented on the fundamental and applied research in physics. The founder of the institute is the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

The present research programme of the Institute comprises five branches of physics: particle physics, the physics of condensed matter, solid state physics, optics and plasma physics. It also corresponds to the way how the institute is divided into major research divisions.

More about the research activities ...

Monday, 17.01.2011, Václav Vrba

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the European Center for Particle Physics CERN starts to produce relevant physics results. In heavy ion collisions physicists managed to evocate situation which is often popularly called Little Big Bang. After first publications mapping the basic characteristics (particle multiplicities, rapidity and momentum spectra, etc.) of proton-proton interaction in the region three-and-half times exceeding up to now achieved energies, LHC is coming with a result which literally has flown around the world and excited scientific community.

Tuesday, 28.12.2010, B. Velický (translation I. Gregora)

Jan Tauc deceased at the age of 88 on 28th December 2010 in Washougal, Wa, in the West of US. The Czech science loses in his person one of its most significant physicists of the post war era, the founding personality of solid state physics and a scientist of world renown, who spent a major part of his professional life in the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Cukrovarnická Street, Prague – Střešovice.

Friday, 24.12.2010

An international team of researchers has reported an experimental demonstration of a transistor whose functionality is based on electron’s spin. The work was published in the December 24th issue of the Science journal. The team is formed by physicists from the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in the Czech Republic, the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory and University of Cambridge and Nottingham in the UK, and Texas A&M University in the US.

Tuesday, 14.12.2010

RNDr. Jan Čermák, PhD. has received award at the 3rd International Forum on Multidisciplinary Education and Research for Energy Science, held from 9th to 14th December 2010 on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan.

Friday, 03.12.2010

Mrs. Vladimíra Petráková, has been awarded the Young Investigator Prize for the Best Oral Presentation in Symposium A, Diamond Electronics and Bioelectronics: From Fundamental to Applications IV, Material Research Society (MRS) Fall 2010 meeting in Boston, U.S.A.

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