Internal Links
CERGE-EI Library
Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1
(+420) 224 005 145
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Opening Hours:
Mon–Fri 10:00–18:00
Sat-Sun closed
This section of the library web page provides acces to electronic information resources for science, research and education:
Selected databases were funded through the USAID program 2007 - 2011, 2012-2014.
Please select the database you want to open:
Click on to show more information about its contents.
Click on to get direct access Note: Use only within the CERGE-EI network (if the database is not free).
Click on to get remote access Note: If green icons are missing, the database is available only in the library.
Citation Databases
Fulltexts, Abstracts
For simultaneous multiple searching in fulltext and bibligraphic e-resources you can use metasearch engine Metalib (password for remote access is required).
Charles University E-resources Portal ensures remote access to CERGE-EI electronic resources and also to the e-resources of the whole university.
!!Electronic Resources - Usage Restrictions!!
Electronic information resources may not be used for any non-academic (and profit) purpose. These resources are only allowed for personal study use. Massive downloading of resource content is considered a violation of licence agreements and consequently when so used further access for the whole University can be denied!
Citation Databases
EIU CountryData- Direct access is available upon password in the library only
IMF International Financial Statistics -Go to DSI Campus Solution
Passport (Euromonitor International)
Handbooks in Economics - ScienceDirect
EBSCOhost eBook Collection /originally NetLibrary/
Fulltexts, Abstracts
EconLit with Full Text (EBSCOhost)
Electronic Journals Service ( particular e-journals - EBSCO service)
2007-2011, 2012-2014
JSTOR Journal Storage
Collections Business I ; Business II ; Ecology and Botany ; Health and General Sciences are available only via direct access (LAN). Following journals are available only through personal login: J. of Labor Economics, J. of Law and Economics, J. of Legal Studies, J. of Political Economy. Changes in availability
ProQuest Digital Dissertations & Theses - CERGE-EI selected dissertations only
2008-2012, 2013; Choose option " "
Springer Link/Kluwer
Wiley Online Library (former Blackwell Synergy)
Literature Online (English and American)
1951 -
ASPI - Automatizovaný Systém Právních Informací (in Czech language) 2008-2011, 2013
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online
Newton MediaSearch (in Czech language) 2013
Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - Publication Activity
(since 1993)
Charles University E-resources Portal
Databases of the National Library of the Czech Republic
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Free Journals
Eurostat (free access to all Eurostat data and publications)
ICPSR - Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
International Affairs Resources
IPUMS (census microdata for social and economic research)
Infozdroje (in Czech language)
Microsoft Academic Search - Economics & Business
National Repository of Grey Literature
Official Document System of The UN
Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
Resources for Economists on the Internet (editor: Bill Goffe)
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic (Souborný katalog ČR) (CASLIN)