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4th Course "Technology Foresight for Practitioners" was held in Prague

Published: 11/21/2006

International course "Technology Foresight for Practitioners" was organized for the fourth time in Prague, in the conference room of Technology Centre AS CR. This year the course ran from 9 to 12 October 2006. The course was held in cooperation with UNIDO and this year it was conceived as a specialized course, focused on scenarios. A four-day training course was be divided in three components: in the first one foresight was presented generally as a tool for policy-making with a specific emphasis on the role of scenarios and a theoretical lecture on scenarios was delivered; the second one consisted in presenting a set of case studies and the third component was dedicated to practice – a whole day workshop was dedicated to scenario-building.

The course was, as in the preceding years, supported by a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Eighteen participants attended the whole course, i.e. took part also in the testing and evaluating part. The following twelve countries were represented (in the alphabetical order): Azerbaijan, Botswana, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Romania, Serbia, Russian Federation, South Africa, South Korea.