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Workshop Soil protection was held in Brussels

Published: 10/3/2006

Czech Liaison Office for R&D (CZELO) and the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic organized on September 26th, 2006 in Brussels a one-day workshop entitled Protection of soil resources - state of knowledge in the Czech Republic and the European policy.

Czech soil science has a long and successful tradition and would like to contribute to developing and implementation of European soil protection policy including actions directly focused on soil protection and monitoring. Experts in the domain as well as the European Commission have presented actual achievements, needs of European policy of soil protection and the European Thematic Strategy of Soil Protection. The ambition of this meeting has been not only to inspire next activities in soil protection but also to contribute to a broader involvement of new EU member states in European policy of soil protection.

The programme of the workshop and shortened versions of the presentations are available on CZELO website.