
Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting Fluorescence System

MIRA laser system

Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting Fluorescence System is used for determination of fluorescence lifetimes and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy. The system is useful for following molecular rotations, especially the motion of rotor molecules included in TPP. Key parts of the system are:

  • Coherent Mira 900 Ti:Sapphire laser system
  • Coherent Harmonic Generator 9300s
  • APE Pulse Select - tool of choice for pulse picking from trains of pulses from ultrafast laser systems
  • CVI Melles Griot research grade optical tabletop
  • cryocooled sample chamber

Ellipsometer L116S

Ellipsometer L116S

Gaertner Scientific variable angle stokes Ellipsometer L116S is instrument for the measurement of thickness of ultrathin layers. In our laboratory, this one is used to characterize the growth of monolayers deposited from solution.



Optical contact angle and surface tension meter KSV CAM 101 serves for measuring contact angles. The instrument is used for characterization of self-assembled monolayers.

VEECO Nanoscope V

VEECO Nanoscope V

The VEECO Nanoscope V is AFM (atomic force microscope) system for detection of single molecules, molecules in monolayers and molecular grids. This is useful for following the progress of our efforts to develop methods for the construction of two-dimensional arrays for mounting molecular rotors.

Jasco NSF-330 near-field spectrometer

Jasco NSF-330

Jasco NSF-330 Near-field Scanning Optical Micro-photoluminescence spectrometer (equipped by cryostat) is micro-spectrometer for observation of photoluminescence/Raman and fluorescence spectra at sub-wavelength high-spatial resolution. Spectra and spectrally resolved mapped images can be obtained from single semiconductor quantum dots and wires at better than 100 nm spatial resolution.

Instrument is used for detection of single molecules and their orientation in space (or small numbers of molecules). When sufficiently large arrays of rotors become available, it will be used to examine their collective rotational motion.

Nicolet 6700 with PEM module

Nicolet 6700 with PEM module

Thermo Fischer Scientific Nicolet 6700 FT-IR spectrometer, equipped by Photoelastic Modulation Module (PEM), serves for obtaining ordinary and polarized infrared spectra of samples of extremely small absorbance. The Instrument is used in our investigations of monolayers and of two-dimensional grids for the mounting of molecular rotors.

JASCO FP-6600 Spectrofluorometer

JASCO FP-6600 Spectrofluorometer

The JASCO FP-6600 is spectrofluorometer (wavelength range 200-900 nm) for steady-state fluorescence and fluorescence anisotropy measurements. These measurements are the first step in all attempts to measure time-resolved anisotropy in an effort to learn about molecular rotation.

Varian Cary 5000

Varian Cary 5000

The Varian Cary 5000 is modern UV-Vis NIR spectrophotometer for measuring ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared spectra (UV-Vis 0.01-5.00 nm, NIR 0.04-20 nm). The instrument is used for many purposes, but particularly for initial examination of samples for fluorescence and of monolayers and molecular grids on surfaces.

Preparative GC system Varian CP-3800

Varian CP-3800

The GC system Varian CP-3800 for the detection and also preparative separation of small amounts of relatively volatile materials. The instrument is used for the identification/isolation of byproducts resulting during the formation of monolayers on metal surfaces.

Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) assembly trough with IR spectroscopic capability

The system is used for studies of the assembly of monolayers and supramolecular structures on the surface of mercury. This is essential for our efforts to fabricate regular two-dimensional grids for the mounting of arrays of molecular rotors. To our knowledge, the combination of capabilities of this instrument is unique in the world.

Metrohm Autolab

Metrohm Autolab

The depicted instrumental assembly is used for cyclic voltammetry and similar electrochemical measurements. This is essential for studies of monolayers and molecular grids for mounting molecular rotors. The key part of the system are Metrohm 663 VA Stand, Metrohm Autolab Potentiostat/Galvanostat and Tektronix TDS 1002B digital oscillosope.

UniLab MBraun glove-box

Metrohm Autolab

UniLab MBraun inert gas glove-box system is used for all manipulations that need to be performed under the inert atmosphere. This is important in that part of our work with monolayers and grids, when oxygen and/or moisture need to be excluded.

Computer workstations

Some are used for controling all other instruments, and some are used for quantum chemical computations. Computer control is a standard feature of all modern scientific instruments, and quantum chemical computations contribute to the interpretation of our results and are an integral part of most of the papers we publish.