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Opening Hours:
Mon–Fri 10:00–18:00
Sat-Sun closed
Searching Catalog
OLIB Catalog
The OLIB Catalog is our principal resource for information about books, journals, grey literature and all other materials in the library. It is available on the Internet at
Library Tutorials: Searching the library catalog
How to search the catalog
Search methods allow users to browse the catalog by document title and author's name or author's index, by publisher and series, and by keywords or subject headings. For complex queries use the “Advanced search”. Use Boolean operators and limit search by selecting from options that are accessible on the search screens. Use the wildcard "%" for truncation or substitution of letters e.g., "class%" matches "class", "classification", "class work," etc. In order to locate the titles that you have found in the catalog, the following field details should be noted:
- shelf (the place where you can find the item within the library)
- shelfmark (the code under which you will find the item on the shelves)
- status (information about the current availability of the item)
Title search
Type in the first few words of the title which interests you and click the "GO!" button. Use the wildcard "%" for truncation or substitution of letters (for example, "%econometr%"). Use title search for searching journals and finding links to full-text databases.
Keyword search
Combine the words of a Keyword search with the Boolean operators "AND", "OR" and "NOT" and wildcard “%” e.g., "Internet AND (histor% OR growth)". To match keywords on only the first letters, use the wildcard "%". It is possible to search either by English or Czech keywords or subjects.
Locating books and periodicals
If you are interested in the item you have found, click on the title and at the bottom of the next screen note the shelfmark, the shelf (location) and the status (if the item is available), then use the printed library plan to identify the location. Books are shelved in different sections, and they are arranged in DDC - alphabetical order. The periodicals are available in the Reading Room and Study Room (Core Collection), arranged in alphabetical order. Other letters relate to our special collections.