Selected reseach projects
Reliability of measurements
This study was motivated by a debate in the Czech Republic on the requirement to report Cronbach's alpha, a measure of reliability, for all higher education admissions tests. The study first aimed to explain the statistical groundings for Cronbach's alpha, to stress its assumptions and to research alternative reliability estimates in more complicated designs.
As a secondary outcome, a new estimate of reliability, logistic alpha, was proposed for binary items. The simulation study was performed to compare the logistic alpha with existing estimators of reliability in IRT models. The results were published in articles (here and here) and presented at IMPS and ISCB conferences.
Analyses of admission tests to Charles University
Many Czech colleges and universities run their own admission tests. Increased interest in educational testing has led to new analyses of the tests' psychometric properties, the development of more sophisticated item banks and publishing of books on test development methodology.
In this project I analyze data from admission tests and study outcomes of students at the School of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. I co-authored 5 reports, an article and an automation of IRT analysis and item calibration using free statistical software R. I also co-authored a book on Student Assessment in Medical Education and delivered presentations on Analysis of test quality as part of workshops for faculties at Schools of Medicine.
Psychometric properties of a set of clinical tests used for MS patients
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a battery of clinical tests that can be used to systematically evaluate clinical features of multiple sclerosis treatable by physiotherapy.
In this project, I analyzed psychometric properties of the proposed set of clinical tests, co-authored an article and presentations.
European survey on methods used in physiotherapy in MS patients
The aim of this study is to document organizational and non-clinical aspects of physical therapy in multiple sclerosis across Europe. The survey has so far involved 65 centers from 23 countries, and it reveals large differences between European countries in the provision and practice of physical therapy in Multiple Sclerosis
In this project, I provided consultations on the design of a complex questionnaire on Physical rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis. I analyzed the data for first versions of the questionnaire, supervised part of the statistical analyses of the final questionnaire and co-authored presentations.
© 2014 Patricia Martinkova / Template design adapted from Andreas Viklund