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CERGE-EI Library
Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1
(+420) 224 005 145
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Opening Hours:
Mon–Fri 10:00–18:00
Sat-Sun closed
The Library has more than 80 e-book titles, and the collection is constantly growing.
The easiest way to access e-books is to search for them in the library catalog just as you would for printed books, or browse for them. If the title is available electronically, it will bear the classmark “E-book” and fulltext in the particular collection:
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
Includes 46 titles viewed online (access to each book is limited to one or two simultaneous users) and offline with the possibility of borrowing (downloading them onto a PC or e-reader for 7 days). Printing of each book is usually limited to about 60 pages.
To learn more about downloading e-books to a PC with Windows operating system, see the help sheet.
If downloading to another device – Mac, iPad, iPhone, etc. see the website of EBSCOhost e-book Support Center.
ScienceDirect - Handbooks in Economics
Covers 30 titles and reference works for economics, all available online. Mobile applications are developed for iPad, iPhone, etc., free to institutional library subscribers only.
Gale eBooks
Covers a selection of encyclopedias online from Gale Virtual Reference Library.
ebrary - Karolinum Press e-books
Charles University's publisher, Karolinum, makes cca 70 titles accessible free via ebrary (9 titles in English) for Charles University members.
Remote Access for CERGE-EI members is currently administered by Charles University and is possible for all collections above. A netID and password are required. For remote access to particular e-book collections see the “E-books” section on the library website.
E-books Copyright allows you to copy reasonable amounts of a copyrighted work for non-commercial private study or research. Copyright terms need to be observedand where the law does not specify how much you are allowed to copy, it is recommended that you not copy more than 10% of a single work for these purposes.
If you experience any difficulties using e-books, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further guidance.
ebrary Academic Complete
Covers more than 70.000 e-books divided into 16 subject databases – e.g. business & economics, history & political science, interdisciplinary & area studies etc. Only remote access is available for individual EI members who are registered in the Academy of Sciences Library.
Remote Access administered by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is permitted to registered users of the Academy of Sciences Library who hold a valid library card. The same user name and password are used to log in as those used for library system access. You can register without visiting the library by completing and sending the form to: Knihovna AV ČR, v. v. i., Národní 3, 115 22 Praha 1. The username and password will be sent you within 2 weeks.