Early molecular events involved in Pinus pinaster Ait. somatic embryo development under reduced water availability: transcriptomic and proteomic analyses.

Lelu-Walter M.-A., Morel A., Teyssier C., Trontin J-F., Eliášová K., Pešek B., Beafour M., Boizot N., Reymont I., Harvengt L., Cadene M., Corbineau F., Vágner M., Label P.

Keywords: somatic embryo development, germin-like proteins, glycolysis, protein phosphatase 2C, ubiquitin-protein ligase
Abstract: Maritime pine somatic embryos require a reduction in water availability (high gellan gum concentration in the maturation medium) to reach the cotyledonary stage. This key switch, reported specifically for pine species, is not yet well understood. To facilitate the use of somatic embryogenesis for mass propagation of conifers, we need a better understanding of embryo development. Comparison of both transcriptome (Illumina RNA sequencing) and proteome (2D-SDS-PAGE with MS identification) of immature somatic embryos, cultured on either high (9G) or low (4G) gellan gum concentration, was performed, together with analysis of water content, fresh and dry mass, endogenous ABA (GC-MS), soluble sugars (HPLC), starch, and confocal laser microscope observations. This multi-scale, integrated analysis was used to unravel early molecular and physiological events involved in somatic embryo development. Under unfavourable conditions (4G), the glycolytic pathway was enhanced, possibly in relation to cell proliferation which may be antagonistic to somatic embryo development. Under favourable conditions (9G), somatic embryos adapted to culture constraint by activating specific protective pathways, and ABA-mediated molecular and physiological responses promoting embryo development. Our results suggest that on 9G, germin16 like protein and ubiquitin-protein ligase could be used as predictive markers of somatic embryo development whereas protein phosphatase 2C could be a biomarker for culture adaptive responses. This is the first characterization of early molecular mechanisms involved in development of pine somatic embryos following an increase in gellan gum concentration in the maturation medium, and it is also the first report on somatic embryogenesis in conifers combining transcriptomic and proteomic datasets.
IEB authors: Kateřina Eliášová, Bedřich Pešek, Martin Vágner