Saturday, 1 11 2014

Last update31.10 15:09

Recent major events

The floods became the most significant event of early 2003, followed by the developments connected with the end of the presidential mandate of Václav Havel. The third position was taken by the planned attack of the USA and Great Britain on Iraq, the NATO Summit in Prague and the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union. These developments were closely followed by the election. The importance of foreign political events grew in January, despite the fact that the planned attack on Iraq was the only development to make it to the ‘big’ foreign and political events with a minimum of 5% reflection. Although the reflection of sports events remains very low, we are not of the opinion that they would retreat into the background because of political events. We believe that their reflection is more dependent on whether major sports events took place in a given period. The importance of private events consistently receives a rating of about 17-27%, without marked fluctuations.


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