Saturday, 1 11 2014

Last update31.10 15:09

Public opinion on imprisonment

In march 2008 CVVM focused on prision system. Informants were asked to decide which facilities should be availiable for prisioners. People are willing to allow medical service (95 % agree on that it should be availiable for all prisioners), 92 % have the same opinion on clean clothes, 83 % agree on books for all (additional 14 % only for minor offenses) and 72 % thought that cooked meal should be accessible for each prisioner (18 % minor offenses). On the other hand 91 % of informants claimed that alcohol should be forbidden for all prisioners. Another 86 % think that prisioners should not be allowed to refuse to work, 85 % claimed mobil phones to be prohibited and 81 % declined possibility of having computer in the cell.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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