Study of metal nanoparticle layers deposited by electrophoresis on semiconductor III-V-N compounds

Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

Principal investigator: Roman Yatskiv, Ph.D.

Members: Jan Grym, Ph.D.; Jiří Zavadil, CSc.; Karel Žďánský, CSc.; Ondřej Černohorský, MSc.; Marie Hamplová, MSc.

From: 2010-05-01

To: 2012-12-31

Experimental investigation of the preparation and characterization of metal nanolayers deposited by electrophoresis on semiconductor surfaces and of their application in gas sensors and light-emitting devices has been conducted.


  1. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, K. Zdansky, K. Piksova:Semimetal graphite/ZnO Schottky diodes and their use for hydrogen sensing, Carbon 2012; 50(10):3928–3933.
  2. K. Zdansky, R. Yatskiv: Schottky bariers on InP and GaN made by deposition of colloidal graphite and Pd, Pt or bimetal Pd/Pt nanoparticles for H2-gas detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2012;169(1):104-109.
  3. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym: Temperature-dependent properties of semimetal graphite-ZnO schottky diodes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2012;101(16):162106.

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