
banner-cs.jpg PUBLIC COLLECTION OF IMG AS CR, V. V. I. On August 6th, 2014, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the AS CR, v. v. i., (IMG) opened a public collection aimed to help 14-year-old Katareeya Epp, who unfortunately died October 6th.

Her parents are employed in the IMG (project BIOCEV). Because Katareeya originates from a “third country”, namely, Australia, according to the Czech legislation she is not entitled to healthcare support from the public healthcare insurance.
The cost of intensive therapy during first two months have already exceeded the limits of private insurance in the amount of 1,6 million CZK. All the cost now repose only on the girl’s parents.
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Masaryk Institute and Archives: The Search for Identity: intellectual and political conceptions of modern Czech society 1848–1948

Masaryk Institute and Archives of the ASCR, v.v.i.
The Search for Identity: intellectual and political conceptions of modern Czech society 1848–1948

The research plan is based on the founding charter of the Masaryk Institute CAS. Its subject is the identity of modern Czech society, specifically as expressed in intellectual and political conceptions of Czech society 1848–1948. We consider intellectual and political conceptions to be among the most important and readily identifiable components in the complex of processes and questions that has moulded Czech society from the outside and the inside.The aim of the research plan is many–sided analysis of the relationship between political and intellectual conceptions of Czech society and national identity 1848–1948. The research will make substantial use of the unique set of sources in the care of the Masaryk Institute (archive) and library. Outputs of the plan will include archival data collections, editions of sources, monographs on subthemes and a final synthesizing monograph.