The official magazine of the ASCR


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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

Power up the voice of the scientific crowd!

Association Euroscience asks for help to stimulate the debate around research in Europe. Austerity has taken its toll and disturbed research cycles across Europe. Particularly affected are scientists from Southern Europe. Find out first-hand how scientists confronted to austerity deal with it in Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal, in a new Special Issue of the Euroscientist, the journal of Euroscience. This issue analyses the situation of how many of scientists were forced to emigrate, and there are also the stories of those who decided to stay. You will hear from researchers sharing their experience of navigating the troubled waters of recession, when it comes to maintaining a seemingly steady research career path.

Problems identified in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece underlined the vital need for a public debate, beyond Southern European borders. This is the goal of this special issue: to focus the wider European science community’s attention on how to solve research issues across Europe.
So, please, join in and take part to this citizen initiative. Tell your opinion as a practicing scientist. Where does the system need to be fixed? Do we need to revisit the fundamental basis of research in Europe? Its objectives? Its funding schemes? Or even to find new ways of ring-fencing scientists’ time for research?
If you want decision makers hear what you have to say, then speak your mind, don’t be shy. Share your views by e-mailing
Sabine Louët
The Euroscientist
Enhanced version of the magazine by Noowit:


17 Apr 2013