The official magazine of the ASCR


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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013


L’Oréal For women in science

27 May 2013

Remarkable Czech women scientists have received the L’Oréal Award. The ceremonial act took place at the beautiful auditorium of National technical library in Prague May 23, 2013. Three laureates were chosen by special committee in front with Professor Blanka Říhová. First laureate of this year For Women in Science is Ing. Lubomíra Balková from Department of Mathematics Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University. As second the committee has chosen PharmDr. Martina Čečková from Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hradec Králové and the third laureate is MUDr. Eva Froňková from the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague.

American scientists will design and build the one-of-a-kind laser system that will be at the heart of ELI Beamlines

24 May 2013

Americans will deliver one of the four unique lasers to the sophisticated scientific centre ELI Beamlines, now being built in Dolní Břežany near Prague, ELI Beamlines management said at a press conference that took place on May 24, 2013 in the main building of ASCR. The ELI Beamlines scientific team started working on its development along with one of the best known laser laboratories in the world, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.

The gas explosion on Monday in Prague has severely affected the building of the Academy

10 May 2013

The neo-Renaissance historical building of the Academy of Sciences of the CR was severely damaged on the morning of 29 April 2013 in connection with the gas explosion, which occurred in Divadelní Street on the ground floor of the building across from the side section of the Academy. A massive pressure wave shattered the window panes and damaged the interiors of not only the whole length of the building from the side of Divadelní Street but also broke the glass of the windows towards Krocínova Street, towards the courtyard and some towards Národní třída (National Avenue). The explosion inflicted the greatest damage, the amount of which is estimated at CZK 10 million, in the Library and Head Office of the ASCR.

Intermediate valence in Pu and Pu-based superconductors

6 May 2013

Institute of Physics ASCR invites you to a seminar Intermediate valence in Pu and Pu-based superconductors by Alexander Shick (Institute of Physics ASCR) on May 15th, 2013 at 15:00 in the Lecture Hall of the Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnická 10, Prague 6. Actinide materials are the backbone of nuclear energy. In order to realize the full potential of nuclear power, and to avoid the risks for society and environment, there is a need in solid understanding of the physical and chemical properties of actinide materials.

Czech microwave technology faiths flood demage at University in Buenos Aires

2 May 2013

Prague’s program for the European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations (EUSJA) Study Trip in March for about 30 representatives from abroad met with favourable response. It was organised by the Academic Bulletin, an official magazine of Academy of the Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR).The very first result of the Study Trip at Lysolaje Campus came from the Swedish journalist, Kaianders Sempler, who published an article in the journal NyTeknik based on the address of Milan Hájek of the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of ASCR. Professor Hájek spoke on the use of microwave technology to dry books damaged by the 2002 devastating floods in Prague.
This article with illustration came to the attention of the San Martín National University in Buenos Aires that suffered flash floods in early April. Its president Carlos Ruta asked for the assistance and cooperation of the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals regarding the drastic consequences of the flooding which affected the University library and its many books. According to University representatives, the methods that exist in Argentina are still very craft-centered and traditional and so they sought expert help from abroad. Professor Hájek of the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals confirmed the Institute is assisting in salvaging and restoring thousands of books of the Argentine university.

Public Lecture by Eric Maskin

26 Apr 2013

Prof. Eric Maskin, 2007 Nobel Laureate, will give a public lecture on “How to Make the Right Decisions without Knowing People's Preferences: An Introduction to Mechanism Design” at CERGE-EI in Prague. The lecture will take place on April 29 at 16:30 CEST. For online streaming, go to

Increase in typhoon intensity in eastern Asia in last 130 years

22 Apr 2013

Typhoons or hurricanes affect large areas of the World, which are often densely populated (eastern cost of USA or eastern Asia). New evidence about dramatic increase in occurrence of strong typhoons since the end of 19th century exists just for eastern Asia. These new findings brought study published in Global Change Biology. The changing trend of extremely strong typhoons from 1880 was confirmed by the mean of analysis more than 30,000 tree-rings and climatic data about typhoon frequency and intensity. “Meteorological measurements of typhoon occurrence and intensity are usually limited for short period in Eastern Asia. Such kind of information does not allow reconstruction of longterm changes. However, combination of climatic records with tree-ring data allowed us to find relationship between typhoons and tree-growth and reconstruct the typhoon intensity much more farer to the history,” says first author of study Jan Altman of Botanical institute, The Academy of Sciences of the CR.

Power up the voice of the scientific crowd!

17 Apr 2013

Association Euroscience asks for help to stimulate the debate around research in Europe. Austerity has taken its toll and disturbed research cycles across Europe. Particularly affected are scientists from Southern Europe. Find out first-hand how scientists confronted to austerity deal with it in Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal, in a new Special Issue of the Euroscientist, the journal of Euroscience. This issue analyses the situation of how many of scientists were forced to emigrate, and there are also the stories of those who decided to stay. You will hear from researchers sharing their experience of navigating the troubled waters of recession, when it comes to maintaining a seemingly steady research career path.

European science journalists in the Czech Academy

11 Apr 2013

Academic bulletin headed by Editor-in-chief Marina Hužvárová (the Czech EUSJA representative) organized the EUSJA General Assembly, which was held in Prague on March 13–17, 2013. A group of journalists from 22 European countries visited the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and also the Lysolaje Campus for two-day Study Trip. During the first day they were shown around the Academy of Sciences Library and were given a lecture of popularization activities in the Centre of Administration and Operations of ASCR. The tour was closed with an evening concert in the beautiful setting of the Czech Museum of Music. The next day journalists led by the President of the EUSJA Barbara Drillsma (Great Britain) were welcomed at the Institute of Geology (IG) by the President of the ASCR Jiří Drahoš and the IG director Pavel Bosák. After the opening session they visited the institute and also the Laboratory of Optical Fibers of the Institute of Photonics and Electronics. During the afternoon, the group continued to explore the Institute of Experimental Botany (IEB) and Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals (ICPF), where two guided tours were arranged. After the overview of the institute’s research activities by the director of ICPF Miroslav Punčochář, they visited laboratories of basic and applied research.

Calls for proposals in the framework of Marie Curie research fellowships

4 Apr 2013

The European Commission has published 4 Calls for proposals for the year 2013 in the framework of Marie Curie research fellowships (Programme People of the FP7). These fellowships are aimed at post-doctoral researchers, to continue their research at an international level. The fellowships amount is attractive: €87 500 per year for researchers with more than 10 years of experience or €58 500 per year for researchers with a shorter experience. The deadline for the submission of applications is August 14th, 2013.