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Upcoming qPCR courses at IBT

24.11.2014 - 28.11.2014

Experimental design and data analysis. Hands-on qPCR.
Institute of Biotechnology and TATAA Biocenter would like to invite you to training qPCR courses.
Courses will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, Vídenská 1083, Laboratory of Gene Expression.



24-28 November, 2014

3 days Hands-on qPCR - 1 day Quality control of qPCR in molecular diagnostics - 1 day Multiplex PCR
On-line qPCR tutorials: http://www.econferences.de/tataa/
There is 50 % discount available for Czech students or academic employees.
The discount code for this course will be provided to you upon request on veronika.kasparova@ibt.cas.cz
Veronika Kašparová
Laboratory of Gene Expression
Institute of Biotechnology AS CR, v.v.i.
Vídenská 1083,142 20 Prague
Czech Republic
TEL: +420 241063623; +420 241063625
