Předmostí : building an authentic museum

Předmostí : building an authentic museum
Jiří Svoboda, Jan Mikulík, Martin Novák, Michaela Polanská, Zdeněk Schenk, Jaroslaw Wilczyński, Piotr Wojtal
Předmostí : building an authentic museum / Jiří Svoboda, Jan Mikulík, Martin Novák, Michaela Polanská, Zdeněk Schenk, Jaroslaw Wilczyński, Piotr Wojtal. Brno : Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Archaeology at Brno : Masaryk University, Department on Anthropology, 2013. 79 s. : il. (převážně barev.), mapy. ISBN 978-80-86023-33-5 (Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno) ISBN 978 80-210-6189-7 (Masarykova univerzita)
Anotace (EN):

 The volume reports on 2006 excavation project aimed at preserving a part of Předmostí I site for public display. The excavation unearths the complex of two Gravettian layers related to a cold and dry, but generally milder climate of the interpleniglacial (MIS 3). The majority of the paleontological and archaeological material belongs to the lower layer. The excavated area is dominated by the accumulation of large bones in the center while the lithic artifacts and mineral dye fragments are accumulated rather on the trench peripheries. The faunal composition is dominated by mammoth, followed by wolf, reindeer, fox, hare, and bear. A large portion of the discovered bones were burnt. As a part of the complex Gravettian (Pavlovian) lithic industry, the component recorded at Předmostí Ib – lower layer is important as a good case of association of the geometric microliths with the Kostenki knives. Spatially, the 2006 excavation belongs to the southern zone of Předmostí I which is interpreted as a depository and specific activity area.

Cena ČR: 150 CZK
Cena zahraničí: 10 EUR
Stav: objednat
Předmostí : building an authentic museum Předmostí : building an authentic museum Předmostí : building an authentic museum Předmostí : building an authentic museum Předmostí : building an authentic museum