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SESAR 2020 brings opportunities for the Czech aviation researchers

Published: 6/20/2014

SESAR 2020 brings opportunities for the Czech aviation researchers

Technology Centre ASCR within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network project and in cooperation with Honeywell International Ltd. organized a seminar called “SESAR 2020: Opportunity for partners from the Czech Republic” on 10th June 2014. The aim of the event attended by 45 participants was presenting activities of Honeywell in SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking) and also to identify suitable partners from the Czech companies and research institutions for cooperation in the future SESAR 2020.
Morning session has been opened by TC ASCR representative with a presentation about activities of the Technology Centre ASCR and Enterprise Europe Network project in international cooperation. Honeywell representative later presented their activities in the Czech Republic focused on aviation as well as their activities in SESAR and upcoming challenges in SESAR 2020.
The afternoon session was focused on topics regarding air traffic control, information sharing between aircraft and ground-based systems, landing in poor visibility and improvements of air traffic safety.
Honeywell representative also presented the results of ATIS and TDAAS projects carried out with the support of the ALFA programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic representative presented INSuRE project (RPAS integration in a controlled environment).
Key presentations related to the research areas in SESAR 2020 were given by Peter Hotham of SJU (SESAR Joint Undertaking).
Honeywell representatives also presented a demonstrator for communication between aircraft and flight information services.

Download all presentations (rar/pdf)

Separate presentations (pdf):

01-Prezentace Enterprise Europe Network

02-SESAR 2020 Honeywell

03-Introduction to SESAR

03-SESAR 2020 Fundamental Research

03-SESAR 2020 Workshop

04-Honeywell NextGen SESAR Overview

05-SESAR 9_44-Final

06-Projekt TDAAS

07-Projekt ATIS


09-Zvyseni bezpecnosti provozu na letistich


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