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The Institute, its achievements and current work are regularly covered by the mainstream public media available in the Czech Republic.
TV stream .cz
Pořad Slavné dny - 170. díl s názvem "Den, kdy první Čech získal Nobelovu cenu" Jaroslav Heyrovský and his Nobel prize is presented through the movies from archive and the interview with Dr.Michael Heyrovsky, the son of professor J.Heyrovsky...
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

Česká televize- magazín Sama doma
Czech television - Interview with Dr.K.Stejskalova (topic: populatization of sciences and education programs of JHI)
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

ČRo Vltava- pořad Mozaika
Interview with Jiří Čejka, awarded the Award of the President of the Czech Science Foundation (GACR).Topic: zeolites (preparation, characterization, usage....).
Prof. Ing. ČEJKA Jiří, DrSc.

ČRo- pořad Meteor
Interview with Michal Fárník. Topic: research in lab. of molecular clusters (chemical physics) (interview in Czech, from 11:30 minute).
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

ČRO Plus - Ranní Plus
Interview (in Czech), topic: chemical physics - research in lab. of molecular clusters... (from 15:30 min of broadcast
Mgr. VOTAVA Ondřej, Ph. D.

ČT 24- Studio 6
Successful GA CR project of the research team of Michal Fárník; topic: research in lab. of molecular clusters (chemical physics) (interview in Czech, from 158 minute of breakfast television....)
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Successfull research project of the team of Dr. Michal Fárník (awarded by GACR prize 2014).
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Short video from Science fair (Vědecký jarmark) in Prague; topic: popularizaon of science, education: electrochemistry, princip of battery (in Czech).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

TV Barrandov- Zprávy
Short reportage from Science fair (Vědecký jarmark) in Prague; topic: popularizaon of science, education (in Czech - starts in 25:45 min of broadcast).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

LABORATORY - actors and scientists are discussing (weekly) about interesting news from science....(in Czech).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Server Zdravotní medicína (
Our successful GA CR project; topic: breath analysis (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Kniha nakl. Academia - Dějiny Akademie věd ČR v obrazech
Result of our scientists (topic: catalysis) in the book "Dějiny Akademie věd ČR v obrazech (M. Franc a V. Mádlová, Praha 2013; ISBN 978-80-200-2172-4) - in Czech.
Mgr. DĚDEČEK Jiří, CSc. DSc., Ing. SAZAMA Petr, Ph. D., Doc. Ing. SOBALÍK Zdeněk, CSc.

Vesmír 93/2014
Article in Czech - Vodní klastry a nejrychlejší rychlovarná konvice na světě. Článek M. Fárníka popularizující výzkum klastrů v laboratoři Dynamiky molekul a klastrů.
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Český rozhlas- Mozaika
Interview (topic: electrochemistry in study of tapestry ageing. More info - attached web link, in Czech).
Dr. Mgr. SOKOLOVÁ Romana

Akademický Bulletin 3/2014
Article and photogallery from the conference of the project Open Science III: Science education and science communication.
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Čs. čas. fyz. 64 (2014), 1, s.43-47.
Article popularizing topic "periodic table..... ". (in Czech - Vít Svoboda: Periodický zákon, aneb proč máme rádi periodickou tabulku).

Article (topic: fotocatalysis. Read in Czech on following link).
RNDr. JIRKOVSKÝ Jaromír, CSc., Ing. RATHOUSKÝ Jiří, CSc.

Akademický Bulletin - 2/2014
Awards of Heyrovsky Foundation 2013 - prizes for secondary school students (article in Czech).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc., Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

časopis 21.století
Magazin 21.století - Dvacet let nadačního fondu (article about awards of J. Heyrovsky Foundation 2013, )
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Český rozhlas- Mozaika
Interview (topic: astrochemistry), more info in .
RNDr. FERUS Martin, Ph.D.

Český rozhlas- studio Leonardo- Host dne.
Interview ( topic: breath analysis, in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Český rozhlas Dvojka - pořad Meteor
Interview (topic: AFM,)

Český rozhlas Plus - Magazín Leonardo
Interview (topic: mass spectrometry,)
Mgr. POLÁŠEK Miroslav, Ph. D., Mgr. ŽABKA Ján, CSc.

iPraxe TV kanál
Open Days Doors 2013 - video and short reportage from program in JHI ().
Mgr. ČURÍK Roman, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Český rozhlas Vltava, pořad Mozaika
Interview (topic: Astrochemistry,).
RNDr. FERUS Martin, Ph.D.

Akademický Bulletin - říjen 2013
Interview, prof. Zdeněk Herman .
Prof RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk, DrSc.

Český rozhlas - Studio Leonardo - Věda a technika
Interview (topic: nanomaterials, )
Artcile about solar cels ().
Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc.

Česká televize - D: Lovci záhad
Video, interview (topic: batteries,)
RNDr. ZUKALOVÁ Markéta, Ph. D.

Český rozhlas Vltava - Mozaika.
Interview (topic: molecular wires, electrochemistry, )
Mgr. HROMADOVÁ Magdaléna, Ph. D.

Český rozhlas Vltava - Mozaika
Interview (topic: nanomaterials,
Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc.

Český rozhlas - Universum: Mladí vědci a technici
Interview (topic: young scientist awarded by prize Cena J.-M. Lehna za chemii 2013, research in catalysis,)
Mgr. ELIÁŠOVÁ (roz. CHLUBNÁ) Pavla, Ph. D.

Český rozhlas PLUS- pořad Leonardo
Interview (topic: nanomaterials, ).
Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc., Ing. RATHOUSKÝ Jiří, CSc.

The Prague Post
Interview (topic: graphene, nanomaterials, )
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D., RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D.

Česká televize- pořad RETRO na ČT24
Interview (topic: polarography, J.Heyrovský, travelling exhibition Story of the Mercury Drop, ).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Česká televize - Hyde Park Civilizace
Professor Rudolf Zahradnik in Hyde Park Civilizace on Czech television.
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

Putovní výstava Příběh kapky (uspořádaná k 50. výročí Nobelovy ceny udělené J. Heyrovskému) - Monitoring výstupů
The travelling exhibition to 50th anniversary of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded to Jaroslav Heyrovský will introduce, by means of photographs, films, literary documents and other exhibits (e.g. examples of development of polarographic instruments), the life story of the laureate. More than 65 outputs (articles or interviews) describing the exhibition find on following pages of the travelling exhibition "Story of the Drop" (in Czech).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

21. století
Article introducing some research projects realised in Center for inovations... (in Czech)
RNDr. JIRKOVSKÝ Jaromír, CSc., Ing. RATHOUSKÝ Jiří, CSc.

Akademický Buletin, únor 2013.
Interview of Akademický Buletin with professor Rudolf Zahradník. (in Czech, in )
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

Česká televize - Hyde Park Civilizace
Hyde Park Civilizace about Academy of Sciences. Interview with Jiří Drahoš and Václav Pačes. Short reportage about research of Michal Fárník from JHI.
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc., Ing. LENGYEL Jozef, Ing. POTERYA Viktoriya, Ph. D.

ČRO Leonardo-Třetí dimenze
Interview about science and their popularization....(in Czech - Pořad Třetí dimenze - téma: O vědě se nešeptá).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Česká televize - Události
Short reportage from team of professor Patrik Španěl introduces the annual science festival The Science Week 2012 organized by Academy of Sciences (1.-15.11.2012).
Mgr. SOVOVÁ Kristýna, Ph.D., Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Videogalerie AVČR
Videoreportage of team of doctor M. Fárník is introducing their research in chemical physics... (in Czech)
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Sú predpovede klimatológov správne? Laboratórny experiment ukázal, že predchádzajúce modely vývoja ozónovej diery nemusia byť presné. Niektoré sily v prírode nemôžme zanedbávať.
Ing. LENGYEL Jozef

Lidové noviny
Article in Lidove noviny (in Czech). Krásné mraky jsou nepřítelem ozonu. Výzkum českých vědců odhalil chemické procesy, které přispívají ke vzniku ozonové díry.
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

ČRO- Radio 7
Czech Radio - Radio 7: Interview of Jan Charvát with Michal Fárník about basic research of his team - Cloud seeds and ozone holes... (in Czech).
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Česká televize - pořad Události
Reportage of Czech television about research of team of Dr. Michal Fárník - Cloud seeds and ozone holes. English press release about the research...().
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Videogalerie AVČR
Graphene - videoreportage of team of professor L.Kavan is introducing their research - graphene and its properties...
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc.

21. století - on line
Article about new results in prof. Kavan group... (in Czech). Viditelné stopy ve výzkumu jednoho z nejnadějnějších materiálů pro budoucnost – grafenu – zanechali vědci z oddělení elektrochemických materiálů Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR. Na jeho unikátní vlastnosti, jako jsou extrémní mechanická pevnost, tepelná či elektrická vodivost a zároveň optická propustnost, se zaměřují badatelé okolo prof. Ladislava Kavana, dr. Martina Kalbáče a dr. Otakara Franka. Nové poznatky byly publikovány ve třech odborných statích prestižního mezinárodního časopisu Nano Letters. Využity mohou být např. při výrobě nové generace solárních článků a tranzistorů. Více v připojeném odkazu......
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D., RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc.

Teplický deník
Newspaper Teplický deník is introducing and describing our educational and popularizing program in basic school ZŠ Koperníkova Teplice (23.5.- 29.6.2012). More in article (in Czech). Teplický deník zve na popularizační a vzdělávací program ÚFCH JH do ZŠ Koperníkova v Teplicích. Program trvá celý měsíc (do 29.6.2012) a v rámci něj se vedle putovní výstavy Příběh kapky uskuteční celá řada dalších akcí pro žáky ZŠ, SŠ a veřejnost z Teplicka.
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Interview with Otakar Frank in Radio Leonardo (in Czech). Pořad VSTUPTE s Otakarem Frankem na Radiu Leonardo (22.5.2012) Tajemství spektroskopie: dnešní Vstupte! vám představí další z méně známých vědeckých oborů a zároveň také jednoho z letošních mladých nositelů Cen Učené společnosti České republiky - Otakara Franka. Pořad si lze poslechnout z Archivu ČRO.
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D.

Česká televize ČT 24
Short interview with Otakar Frank, awarded by Czech Learned Society Award for Young Scientists... (in Czech). Otakar Frank převzal Cenu Učené společnosti (14.5. - ČT24) Medaile za rozvoj české vědy dostali Hilský či Grygar - Česká televize natočila krátkou reportáž u příležitosti udělení letošních Cen Učené společnosti. Mezi oceněnými vědci byl také Dr.Otakar Frank z ÚFCH JH. Článek i pořad lze spustit z archivu ČT 24.
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D.

ČRO - Radiožurnál
Interview with Rudolf Zahradnik in ČRO Radiožurnál (in Czech). Čtvrteční host Radiožurnálu rád přirovnává vědu k umění. Podle něho se od vědy ani umění nelze jen tak jednoduše odpoutat. "Stejně jako spisovatel nebo malíř nezačne v pokročilém věku odpočívat, tak i já stále pracuji," tvrdí Rudolf Zahradník, známý fyzikální chemik a bývalý předseda Akademie věd ČR. Celý rozhovor si lze poslechout z archivu ČRO.
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

Česká televize ČT2
Short interview with Petr Čársky (in Czech). Petr Čársky v pořadu ČT 2 - Osobnost na Dvojce. Tento pořad divákům zprostředkovává setkání s různými osobnostmi z naší kultury, vědy, sportu a dalších oborů širokého spektra lidského žití a bytí... (pořad je vysílán na ČT 2 každý den v rozsahu 3 minuty). O "nevšední myšlenky všedního dne" se tentokráte podělil profesor Petr Čársky. Pořad lze zhlédnout z archivu ČT.
Prof RNDr. ČÁRSKY Petr, DrSc.

21. století
Our research in spectroscopy in journal 21.století III/2012 (in Czech). Article about our research in spectroscopy with outputs to astrochemistry - research of team of prof. S.Civiš is described in interview with him. More in pdf attachment.
Prof. RNDr. CIVIŠ Svatopluk, CSc.

ČRO Leonardo - MONITOR
The interview with K.Stejskalová about the prizes of the Jaroslav Heyrovsky Endowment Fund and young students awarded for the year 2011 (in Czech, start in the 5th minute).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Učitelské noviny č.46/2011
Interview of magazin Učitelské noviny with Květa Stejskalová, awarded by Vojtech Naprstek Medal for popularization of science about her work, education and science..... (in Czech).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

ČRO Leonardo - MONITOR
Interview with Jiří Čejka about catalysis (in Czech, start in 23 minute).
Prof. Ing. ČEJKA Jiří, DrSc.

ČR Leonardo - MONITOR
Interview with Martin Kalbáč about carbon nanomaterials and graphene (in Czech, start in 25 minute)
RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D.

The programme of Technical week 2011 is briefly introduced in interview with Květa Stejskalová (in Czech).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

ČRO Vltava, pořad Mozaika
Short invitation on Chemical Fair in interview of Czech Radio with K.Stejskalová from Heyrovsky Insitute (in Czech).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

21. století
Article describing research of scientists from Department of spectroscopy about their new method and device for detection of explosives (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. CIVIŠ Svatopluk, CSc., Mgr. CIVIŠ Martin, Ph.D., Ing. KUBIŠTA Jiří, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Akademický Buletin
Article about Czech-Slovak-Japan Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (in Czech).
Mgr. PITTNER Jiří, Dr. rer. nat., DSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Český rozhlas - Vltava
The interview of Jana Olivová with Martin Hof awarded by Praemium Academiae prize.
Prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc.

Patrik Španěl and reserach of his team (human breath analysis) in article of Michal Andrle.
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Otakar Frank and Martin Kalbáč are talking about graphene and research in their laboratories.......
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D., RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D.

Short article about education of children (9 years old) from basic school in science (chemistry, biology, physics, ....) through the project "Science is not boring" organized by scientists from Heyrovsky Institute.
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

ČT 24 -Milenium
The interview with Otakar Frank and Ladislav Kavan about their research of graphene and carbon nanotubes.
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc.

Lidové noviny
The interview with Otakar Frank, member of the international research team, about new discovery in research of carbon nanotubes (development of a universal stress sensor for graphene and carbon fibres).
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D.

Article about the Nobel Prize on graphene ...
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D., RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D.

Czech Radio 2 Prague
Jiří Rathouský in programme of Czech Radio 2 Prague "Tea for two" - about nanotechnologies (in Czech).

Czech Radio Prague
Prague café to host informal gatherings with leading Czech scientists (in English). Prague’s Café Braun will host an unusual event this week; each evening members of the public will be invited to sit down over coffee or a glass of wine with a leading scientist, to discuss some of the exciting developments in their field. The event’s called ‘a Week of Science Cafés’, and it’s part of a broader campaign by the NGO Czech Head to try and popularise science. In interview of Rob Cameron (BBC) Patrik Spanel from JHI talks about his research and his participation in this projects "Week of Scientist cafe" organized by Czech Intelect (Česká hlava).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Deutsche Welle -Spectrum
Prague café aims to bring science out of the lab (reportage of Rob Cameron, in English). A Czech group is getting scientists to explain their work in public, in an informal atmosphere. Many Czech scientists lament the lack of scientific curiosity amongst their fellow citizens. Each evening, Czech researchers will lead an informal chat on some of the latest developments in their field. The evenings, which have been given the English name "Science Café Week," are being organized by an NGO called Czech Head, which tries to popularize Czech science. The effort is the latest in a string of similar public events around Europe, most notably in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, which have been hosting "Science Slams" for years. One scientist that the Czech group has called upon is Patrik Spanel, a leading physicist at the Czech Academy of Sciences....
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Czech Radio - Radio Wawe
The interview with Patrik Španěl about scince, his research method and his participating in project of Week of Science cafe organized by Czech Intelect in Café B Braun in Prague (14 -18 March).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Short reportage from new Nanocenter. Jiří Rathouský, garant for research in fotocatalysis, shortly describes research in this field (in Czech).

Short reportage of Czech television introduces new research in Center for innovations in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc., Ing. RATHOUSKÝ Jiří, CSc.

Česká televize
Czech Television - Barvy života (Colors of Life). The portret of Blanka Wichterlová, scientist, expert in catalysis, who was awarded by Merit Medal of Prezident of the Czech Republic (28.10.2010).
Ing. WICHTERLOVÁ Blanka, DrSc.

Cetrum pro inovace... - Monitoring hlavních výstupů k projektu
About 25 articles and interviews describing the project of Center for Innovations in the Field of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies... (find on following pages of Center - in Czech) .
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D., RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc., Prof. Ing. MAREČEK Vladimír, DrSc., Ing. RATHOUSKÝ Jiří, CSc., Doc. Ing. SOBALÍK Zdeněk, CSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

ČT 24- Milenium
Dr. Martin Kalbáč and three scientists from Palacky University in Olomouc ( Drs. Zbořil, Otyepka, Karlický) in the interview about their new results in research of carbon nanotubes and graphene (in Czech).
RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D.

21. století
Nanotechnologie - Nanomateriály dostaly zelenou i v Praze, autor: Michal Andrle. Article introducing new nanocentre opened in JHI institute.

Lidové noviny on line
The interview with Jana Humpolíčková, scientist from Department of biophysical chemistry, in 2010 awarded by Czech Republic L´Oréal For Women in Science National Fellowship.

Česká televize - ČT 24
Article and short interview with Květa Stejskalová reminding the 120th anniversary of Jaroslav Heyrovský birthday.
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

ČRO Hradec Králové, pořad Životopisy.
Czech Radio HradecKrálové. Cycle of interviews with Michael Heyrovský and Jitka Černá, children of Jaroslav Heyrovský, about their father, prepared to 120th anniversary of J.Heyrovský birthday - 20.12.1890. Listen five interviews in Archive CRO (in Czech): 1st interview - 2nd interview - 3rd interview - 4th interview - 5th interview .
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

ČRO Vltava - pořad Mozaika
Second part of interview of Jana Olivová with Patrik Španěl about his research - breath analysis based on mass spectrometry in recognition of human diseases... (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Deutsche Welle - Spectrum
Reportage about new nanocenter opened in Heyrovský institute. Editor Rob Cameron, BBC. The Czech Academy of Sciences has just opened a new nanocenter to spearhead research into practical applications for nanoscience. "This is an exciting time for science - something like a revolution," said Jiri Rathousky, the project's leader, as he demonstrated a contraption called a dip coater in the lab of the newly-opened center. The center – aided by funding from the European Union – is the pride and joy of the Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, a rather drab concrete tower block in the northern suburbs of Prague. Hidden away on the sixth floor, Rathousky and his colleagues in white overalls are doing some truly remarkable things with very small materials. More information read in the article on attached web address.

server www.
Article with tittle: Termogravimetry, planet mill, extruder....New nanocenter was opened in Prague. Reportage of idnes team (ed. Martina Procházková) from new Nanocenter in Heyrovský institute. New center is introduced through several interviews with scientists and short video (in Czech).
RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc., Ing. RATHOUSKÝ Jiří, CSc.

Český rozhlas -stanice Vltava
Program of Week of Science and Technique organized by AS CR is briefly introduced through several interviews. Short invitation on program of J.Heyrovsky Institute... (in Czech).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Český rozhlas-stanice Vltava
The interview with Prof. Patrik Španěl about the research of his team - breath analysis based on mass spectrometry..... (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Studium v Německu teď vyhrajete s přírodními vědami (autor: Zuzana Černá). The project of Goethe Institute "Deutsch für helle Köpfe" is briefly introduced. Michal Farnik with his lecture about clusters is the "face" of the program of lectures accompanying this competition for students (15-18 year old) ... (in Czech).
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

ČR Leonardo - Ženšen
Th interview with Patrik Španěl about analysis of human breath.... (from 29 min)
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Český rozhlas 2 - Praha , pořad Host do domu
The interview with Jana Humpolíčková, young scientist in 2010 awarded by Czech Republic L´Oréal For Women in Science National Fellowship (in Czech).

Český rozhlas -stanice Vltava
Photo COST- international meeting about molecular photonics and optoelectronics..... Interview of Czech Radio with professor A. Vček (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. VLČEK Antonín, CSc.

Pořad Třetí dimenze ČRO Leonardo
Interview of Tereza Burianová with Dr. Radek Mikuláš (Institute of Geology of the AS CR), Dr. Květa Stejskalová (J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR) and Mgr. Michaela Žaludová (SSC of the AS CR managing the project Open Science II) about secondary school students interesting in natural sciences, about projects of the AS CR devoting to this group and about problems with the popularization of the natural sciences….. (in Czech).
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Československý časopis pro fyziku
Article with the title "Zdeněk Herman- zakladatel využití metody molekulových paprsků u nás" of Michal Fárník is dedicated to Zdeněk Herman.
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc., Prof RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk, DrSc.

Česká televize
Program of Czech Television - PORT - The Story of the Drop - reportage about Jaroslav Heyrovský and his discovery of the polarography (50th anniversary of the Nobel prize for the chemistry). (in Czech)
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Mgr. HROMADOVÁ Magdaléna, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. LUDVÍK Jiří, CSc., Doc. RNDr. POSPÍŠIL Lubomír, CSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Česká televize
Czech television CT24 - PRIZMA, 14.11.2009. Short reportage (6 minutes) from J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR introduces the project of this institute, whose is aimed to attract young people to research activities and by this manner to stimulate their interests in the scientific work as a possible profession. It describes the long term activities of the J. Heyrovský Institute in this field such as “The Days of Open Doors“, popularizing lectures and visits of laboartories, workshops and students long term stays in research groups. .. (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. LUDVÍK Jiří, CSc., Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Česká televize
Program of Czech Television - PORT - about mass spectrometry. Research of prof. Z. Herman, Dr. P. Spanel and Dr. M. Farnik is introduced (in Czech).
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc., Prof RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk, DrSc., Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Česká televize
Program of Czech Television - PORT - Program with the title „Hammer on poisons“ - Martin Hof (Head of the Department of Biophysical chemistry) is talking together with scientists from Protein Engineering Group ( National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Masaryk University Brno; about the degradation of TCP in environment….. (in Czech).
Prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc.

Pořad Třetí dimenze ČRO Leonardo
Program The Third Dimension - Women in Science. Interview with two women awarded by the Prize L Oreal Unesco for Women in Science 2009 (Viktoria Poterya from JHI, Marta Štefánková from University in Opava) about their problems in science....
Ing. POTERYA Viktoriya, Ph. D.

CT 24 - Milenium
Future of Women in Science. Dr. B.Wichterlová, the member of jury of the Czech Republic L´Oréal For Women in Science National Fellowship award, and two fellows of this award for the year 2007 (Dr. Jana Roithová from Charles University and Dr. Petra Šauli from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the AS CR, in the interwiev about the future of women in science. The third annual award ceremony will be held at the Academy of Sciences in Prague in the evening (Jan 27). Three young women will be awarded by the fellowships in the Life and Material Sciences.
Ing. WICHTERLOVÁ Blanka, DrSc.

CT 24 - Milenium
Doc. M. Hof and three scientists from Masaryk University in Brno ( Doc. Damborský, Dr. Jesenská and Mgr. Březovský) in interview about their co-operation and results of their common research. In this project for the first time the dynamics at the active site of enzymes was characterized by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular dynamic simulations and connected with the function of those proteins. The results were published .
Prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc.

server INOVACE.CZ - Čeští vědci vyvinuli novou metodu pro studium chování biomolekul v reálném čase
Article about co-operation between scientists from Masaryk University and J.Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Cheimstry of the AS CR and results of their common research. In this project for the first time the dynamics at the active site of enzymes was characterized by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular dynamic simulations and connected with the function of those proteins. More read in article on server (in Czech).
Prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc.

50. výročí Nobelovy ceny za polarografii
The article introduces the 10th annual Heyrovský lecture (4.12.2008), that was delivered by professor Karel Vytřas (University of Pardubice). The anniversary of Nobel prize for polarography (Jaroslav Heyrovsky - 10.12.1959) is briefly mentioned.
Doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

Češi posílají slunce do zásuvek
Czech scientist send the sun to the sockets... Short interview of Josef Matyáš (Lidové noviny) with prof. L.Kavan and Dr. M.Kalbáč (awarded by prize of AS CR 2008), about research in the Department of electrochemical materials... (in Czech)
RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc.

Setkání středoevropských odborníků v teoretické chemii
Meeting of Central European experts on theoretical chemistry... Short article (in Czech) about Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC 2008). More information about symposium (in English) find on web pages .
Prof RNDr. ČÁRSKY Petr, DrSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Dr. Kalbáč, Prof. Kavan and Dr.Zukalová are introducing their research in the article about nonotubes.
RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc., RNDr. ZUKALOVÁ Markéta, Ph. D.

Veni, vidi a možná se vrátím ...Letní škola "NANO"
Short article (author K.Stejskalová) about summer school NANO2008 organizded by Heyrovsky Institute in the end of August 2008 (65 participants from 10 universities and 3 secondary schools). (in Czech)
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Jak jsme na tom s talentovanou mládeží
"Working with Talented Youth". Short article (author K.Stejskalová) about the international conference called „Working with talented youth" that was hold in Brno on 25 - 27 September 2008. More info about program of the conference - .
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Pořad Vstupte! Českého rozhlasu
Interview of Robert Tamchyna with Dr. Michael Heyrovsky about chemistry, research in polarography, his father Jaroslav Heyrovsky - Nobel prize for polarography (10.12.1959) .... (in Czech)
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

Lidové noviny - Science (page 27)
I was hold as a hostage at home…Michael Heyrovský, the son of professor Jaroslav Heyrovský, is talking about the time, when his fater was awarded by Nobel prize for chemistry in Stockholm (1959) ….(author J. Matyáš LN)
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

CT 24 - News
Science and technics. The 8th Week of Science and Technics is briefly introduced ( V. Kratochvilova from AS CR). The exhibion organized by J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry about Jaroslav Heyrovsky, the firts Czech scientist awarded by Nobel prize in 1959, is briefly mentioned (devices, documetns, photos, movies. (For photos from exhibition -.)

CT 24 - Milenium
The Future of the Czech Science..... Václav Pačes (AS CR) in the interview about Czech science - its past, presence and future. Lectures and exhibitions of the 8th Week of Science and Technics are briefly introduced. Jaroslav Heyrovský is mentioned as the first Czech scientist awarded by Nobel prize for chemistry (1959).

Lidové noviny - 24 hours in Czech capital
The Week of Science and Technics evoked big interest. Short new about the 8th Week of Science and technics in the 50 research institutions of the AS CR that is organized in Czech Republic on November 3-9, 2008. The small exhibition (title: The Story of the Drop) about Jaroslav Heyrovsky, installed in the building of the AS CR, is briefly introduced (devices, documents, photos, movies). See some pictures from the exhibition -

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Do you know, how they do the science? The interview of Czech Radio Leonardo with Dr. Veronika Kratochvilova (AS CR ) about the 8th Week of Science and Technics (popularizations lectures about the science, exhibitons, "Days of open doors" in the 50 research institutions of the AS CR etc.) that is organized in Czech Republic on November 3-9, 2008. The small exhibition (title: The Story of the Drop) about Jaroslav Heyrovsky, installed in the building of the AS CR, is briefly introduced (devices, documents, photos, movies). See some pictures from the exhibition -

Akademický Bulletin No.10/2008
Prizes of the AS CR 2008 - The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic honoured its scientists for outstandingly significant scientific results in research and development (Prague, villa Lanna, September 30, 2008).
Mgr. BENDA Aleš, Ph. D., Prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc., Mgr. HUMPOLÍČKOVÁ Jana, Ph. D., RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc., Mgr. SÝKORA Jan, Ph. D.

TV Z1: News - Home
Prizes of the AS CR 2008 - The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic honoured its scientists for outstandingly significant scientific results in research and development (L.Kavan, M.Kalbáč and project grant team of M.Hof, Prague, villa Lanna, September 30, 2008).

V Academii se křtil Laboratorní deník
The "babtism" of the book of professor Rudolf Zahradnik with the title The Laboratory Diary (in Czech only).
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

journal NÁRODNÍ 3-No.03/2008: Centres of excellence in science
Two men - two ideas on the sense, principle, rules....of centres of excellence. Professor Pavel Hobza and professor Rudolf Zahradník in essay (in Czech only) about centres of excellence in Czech science.
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

VESMÍR August 2008 - J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Article introduces research in J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i. (comercial presentation).

Rozhovory Českého rozhlasu s profesorem Michaelem Graetzelem (Interviews of Czech radio with prof. M. Graetzel)
Interviews of Czech Radio with professor Michael Graetzel, lecturer of annual Brdicka lecture (June 5, 2008). Cooperation with scientists from Heyrovsky institute is mentioned (photovoltaic cells).

Výstava "Bruselský sen" (Exhibiton - "The Brussels Dream ")
Short presentation of polarography in the movie about Exhibiton EXPO 58 in Brussels. Some photos from Czech exposition of polarography (author R. Kalvoda) - find .
Prof. RNDr. KALVODA Robert, DrSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Short interview of Hana Staňková with Květa Stejskalová about exhibition "Scientific Photography" held in Heyrovsky institute (May 7 - June 26, 2008) (in Czech only). More information about exhibition find .
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Parlamentní listy No.1/2008
Interview with professor Rudolf Zahradník about educational system, science....(in Czech only).
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

Akademický Bulletin No.1/2008
3rd annual exhibition of amateur art creations entitled "One does not live by bread alone". Short article of Květoslava Stejskalová about exhibition of amateur art creations of 20 scientists from Heyrovský Institute (in Czech only). More photos from exhibition find in press release .
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Akademický Bulletin No.1/2008
Short article "Česká hlava 2007" is introducing ten awarded scientists and students (four awarded scientists work in the Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic). Aleš Benda, young scientist from Heyrovsky institute, was awarded the Czech Intellect 2007 - Doctorandus Award sponsored by Siemens Co. (in Czech only). More information about awarded scientists and a lot of photos from award ceremony find on pages of Czech head project - .
Mgr. BENDA Aleš, Ph. D.

Akademický Bulletin No. 12/2007
Professor Rudolf Zahradník in interview about educational system, students, science..... (in Czech only).
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

Akademický Bulletin No. 12/2007
Article of Professor Rudolf Zahradník about science and educational system not only in Czech Republic.... (in Czech only).
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

Česká televize
Česká televize - pořad Slavní slavným: 8 scientists were awarded the awards Czech head 2007. Doctor Aleš Benda, young scientist from the biospectroscopy group, was awarded the "Doctorandus" award sponsored by Siemens Co. (in Czech only). More information about awarded scientists and a lot of photos from award ceremony find on pages of Czech head project .
Mgr. BENDA Aleš, Ph. D.

Česká televize
Pořad ČT2- PORT - Laboratory of Fourier transport spectroscopy (doc. S. Civiš with his co-workers) in programme „Michael´s Experiment“, where Dr. Michael Londesborough (AS CR) is explaining Miller and Urey experiment from the year 1953. PORT is science programme on Czech and world science and new technologies)
Prof. RNDr. CIVIŠ Svatopluk, CSc.

Mladá Fronta DNES
Dr. J. Plšek in article of F. Houdek (editor of Mlada Fronta Dnes) about professor Gerhard Ertl and his research….(in Czech only).
Ing. PLŠEK Jan, Ph. D.

Lidové noviny
Doc. Z. Knor in article of J. Matyáš (editor of Lidove noviny) about professor Gerhard Ertl … principle of catalysis, reaction on surfaces are mentioned….. (in Czech only).
Doc. RNDr. KNOR Zlatko, CSc.

Český rozhlas 3 – Vltava
Pořad Mozaika – doc. Z. Knor: prof. Gerhard Ertl - Nobel prize 2007 for chemistry. Interview with doc. Z. Knor about reaction on surfaces .…(in Czech only).
Doc. RNDr. KNOR Zlatko, CSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Interview with Dr. Jan Hrušák about Czech science…(in Czech only).

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Interview with prof. A. Vlček and prof. Harry B. Gray on the theme Electron transfer…(in Czech only)
Prof. RNDr. VLČEK Antonín, CSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Třetí dimenze -Interview with prof. Petr Čársky on the theme computational simulation in physics and chemistry (in Czech only) ).
Prof RNDr. ČÁRSKY Petr, DrSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Interview with Prof. Jiří Čejka and Dr. Hynek Balcar on the theme Olefins (in Czech only).
RNDr. BALCAR Hynek, CSc., Prof. Ing. ČEJKA Jiří, DrSc.

Skills Development Centre ELiEN
The interview with Patrik Španěl about research of his team (SIFT-MS, breath analysing) in Department of chemical physics (in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Vstupte - Interview with prof. Rudolf Zahradník .. (in Czech only).
Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Interview with Dr. Michael Heyrovský on the theme professor Jaroslav Heyrovský…(in Czech only).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

Česká televize
ČT1 Barvy života - Interview with Dr. Patrik Španěl on the theme Breath analyzing…(in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Akademický Bulletin No.11/2006
Patrik Španěl and Květoslava Stejskalová - Article introducing international conference “Breath Analysis in Physiology and medicine“, Prague , 4-5 September 2006 (in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Česká televize
ČT24 – Planeta věda – on the theme Mass spectrometry, interview with prof. Zdeněk Herman …(in Czech only).
Prof RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk, DrSc.

Mladá fronta Dnes
Věda, příloha B7 - Dr. P.Španěl - Article about breath analyzing…. …(in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Rozhovory Ivo Budila - Interview with prof. Zdeněk Herman on the theme of mass spectrometry …(in Czech only).
Prof RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk, DrSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Vstupte - Interview with prof. Zdeněk Herman (in Czech only).
Prof RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk, DrSc.

Lidové noviny
Article about solar cells, Prof. L. Kavan, Dr. M. Zukalová, Dr. Jan. Procházka …(in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc., Ing. PROCHÁZKA Jan, Ph. D. , RNDr. ZUKALOVÁ Markéta, Ph. D.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Interview with Dr. Ondřej Votava on the theme elusive radicals….(in Czech only).
Mgr. VOTAVA Ondřej, Ph. D.

Česká televize
ČT1 České hlavy – prof. L. Kavan, laboratory of material electrochemistry – on the theme of solar cells in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc.

Česká televize
ČT České hlavy – doc. M. Hof, Dr. A. Benda, Dr. J. Humpolíčková, group of biospectroscopy – on the theme of fluorescence microscopy (in Czech only).
Mgr. BENDA Aleš, Ph. D., Prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc., Mgr. HUMPOLÍČKOVÁ Jana, Ph. D.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Interview with Dr. Michal Fárník on the theme „social live of molecules” (in Czech only).
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Česká televize
ČT České hlavy – Dr. P. Krtil, Solid phase electrocatalysis group, on the theme of accumulation of energy (in Czech only).
doc. Ing. KRTIL Petr, CSc.

Česká televize
ČT1 České hlavy – Dr. L. Brabec, co-operation of JHI and Physical institute of the AS CR, on the theme of mechanical properties of zeolites (in Czech only).
RNDr. BRABEC Libor, CSc.

Česká televize
ČT1 České hlavy – Dr. Z. Bastl, on the theme of photoelectron spectroscopy (in Czech only).
RNDr. BASTL Zdeněk, CSc.

Česká televize
ČT1 České hlavy – Dr. J. Jirkovský, dep. of electrochemical materials, JHI in co-operation with Institute of inorganic chemistry of the AS CR, on the theme of photocatalysis ….(in Czech only).

Česká televize
ČT1 České hlavy - prof. Š. Urban, on the theme of microwave spectroscopy…co-operation of JHI and VSCHT (Joint laboratory of high resolution spectroscopy) (in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. URBAN Štěpán, CSc.

Akademický Bulletin No. 3/2006
Dr. S. Černý –article about annual Brdicka lecture (in Czech only).
RNDr. ČERNÝ Slavoj, CSc.

Česká televize
ČT1 České hlavy –Dr. M. Fárník, group of spectroscopy and photochemistry, on the theme of clusters in molecular beams (in Czech only).
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Česká televize
ČT1 České hlavy –Dr. P. Španěl, Dr. O. Votava, group of mass spectrometry, on the theme of breath analyzing (in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat., Mgr. VOTAVA Ondřej, Ph. D.

Česká televize
ČT 2 – Planeta věda – programme “We will go to nanoworld” is targeted the nanotechnologies. Research in laboratory of photoelectron spectroscopy (Dr. Z. Bastl) and laboratory of scanning probe microscopy (Dr. H. Tarábková-Pelouchová) is briefly introduced ….(in Czech only).
RNDr. BASTL Zdeněk, CSc., RNDr. TARÁBKOVÁ Hana, Ph. D.

Česká televize
ČT1 České hlavy –prof. P. Čársky, Dr. R. Čurík, department of theoretical chemistry, on the theme of computational chemistry (in Czech only).
Prof RNDr. ČÁRSKY Petr, DrSc., Mgr. ČURÍK Roman, Ph. D.

Český rozhlas 3 – Vltava
Pořad Mozaika - Interview with Dr. M. Fárník about laboratory of clusters….…(in Czech only).
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

ChemMagazin 6/2005
Dr. M. Fárník and Doc. S. Civiš – NEWS –short information about two new opened laboratories in JHI…(in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. CIVIŠ Svatopluk, CSc., Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Technický týdeník No. 24/2005
Dr. M. Fárník and Doc. S. Civiš – two new laboratories were opened in JHI …(in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. CIVIŠ Svatopluk, CSc., Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Akademický Bulletin No. 11/2005
Dr. M. Fárník and Doc. S. Civiš – Article “New laboratories for physical chemistry” - two new laboratories were opened in JHI …(in Czech only).
Prof. RNDr. CIVIŠ Svatopluk, CSc., Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph.D., DSc.

Mladá Fronta Dnes
Article about Nobel prize 2005 for chemistry - prof. Grubbs, prof. Chauvin and prof. Schorck. Dr. H. Balcar is shortly explaining the principle of “metatheses” (in Czech only).

Akademický Bulletin No. 10/2005
Prof. L. Kavan – Research in JHI was introduced on trade fair ForArch 2005…
Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc.

Akademický Bulletin No. 4/2005
Dr. R. Čurík –short article introducing winter school of EU project EPIC (in Czech only).
Mgr. ČURÍK Roman, Ph. D.

Mladá Fronta Dnes
Dr. M. Heyrovský – article introducing four generations of Heyrovsky family (in Czech only).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

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