Petr MalinskyBorn:4.1.1981, Chrudim, Czech Republic |
Education and specialization:2002 - 2007: Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Science, J.E.Purkynje University in Usti nad Labem
Specialization - Tutorship of Physics and Mathematics - MSc study
2007 - present: Faculty of Science, J.E.Purkynje University in Usti nad Labem - PhD student
Specialization - Computer methods in physics and technology
PhD thesis - Aplication of ion beam analytical methods on structures with
new electrical and optical propertis.
Doctoral examination in 2010
Academic and scientific titles:MSc - 2007
Summary of the former positions:Since 2005 (full-time since 2009) junior researcher Tandetron Laboratory of Nuclear Physics Institute of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Řež Experience:
Since 2013 J. E. Purkynje University in Ústí nad Labem, tutorship of lectures and practical of Atomic and Nuclear Physics Since 2007, PhD student J. E. Purkynje University in Ústí nad Labem Topics of the thesis – Preparation of the nano-composites metal/polymer using of ion beam implantation.
Since 2011, (2 weeks in each year) visiting researcher Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf Experience: Ion beam analysis (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy, RBS-channeling, and TOF- ERDA). SPIRIT infrastructure proposal Projects:P108/12/G108 - Preparation, modification and characterization of materials by radiation; team member P108/11/0958 - Investigation of point defects in ZnO and their interaction with hydrogen and nitrogen; team member. 14-12837S - Interaction of hydrogen isotopes with candidate fusion materials; team member LM 2011019 - Center of Accelerators and Nuclear Analytical Methods; team member SGS UJEP 53222 15 0004 01 - Depth profiling of elements using of RBS method in samples with complicated surface morphology - application on the nano-structural materials; solver Research activities:Ion beam analysis research (RBS, ERDA, RBS channelling, and TOF spectrometry); accelerator technology, instrumentation and application in material science (ion beam implantation); characterization and preparation of nano-structures for photonics, spintronics and other application prepared in polymers, glasses and crystalline materials; study of growth, modification and structure of thin layers or multilayers used in microelectronics, optics, optoelectronics and medicine using ion beam analytical methods; using of RBS-channelling to study crystalline materials and host atom positions; study of surface roughness influence on spectra of back-scattered ions during the ion beam analysis; magnetron sputtering; simulation of energy loss and straggling of energetic ions using SRIM and TRIDYNE; image analysis of the TEM results using MATLAB; AFM analysis with using GWYDDION; programming (Fortran, C, Matlab, Mathematica). 2008 and 2012 – Rector’s J. E. Purkynje University award for extraordinary results in research activities 28 original publications in reviewed journals and about 59 citations, h index 4 (source WOS). |