Alumni Profiles

Jiří Podpiera

Jiří Podpiera

Czech Republic, PhD 2005

Jiří Podpiera is an Economist covering Monetary and Capital Markets in the Financial Sector Analysis Division of the International Monetary Fund. Jiří received his PhD in Economics from CERGE-EI in 2005, with his dissertation thesis entitled "Essays on Aspects of Monetary Policy in Small Open Transition Economies". Shortly before defending his thesis, in November 2004, he was appointed as Director of the External Economic Relations Division of the Czech National Bank's Monetary and Statistics Department. He held this position until leaving to join the IMF in 2009. His research interests are economic convergence, banking and finance.

Two of his most recent IMF publications include "Using Credit Subsidies to Counteract a Credit Bust: Evidence from Serbia" and "The Fundamental Determinants of Credit Default Risk for European Large Complex Financial Institutions" (co-authored with Inci Ötker-Robe).