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CERGE-EI Library
Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1
(+420) 224 005 145
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Opening Hours:
Mon–Fri 10:00–18:00
Sat-Sun closed
Public Circulation Policy
Library Card
Open Hours
Loan Policy
Additional Information
Copy Machines
Library Card
You must present your library card each time you borrow or return library material. The person whose name appears on the card is responsible for all library transactions. If your card is lost or stolen, you must report this immediately to a member of the library staff.
Opening Hours:
Mo-Fr: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Loan Policy
Library materials must be returned no later than the date and time they are due.
No item belonging to the library may be taken outside the Czech Republic without special permission from the librarian. Loans can be renewed in person, via phone, on-line catalog, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
. You may reserve books in the same manner.
Loan Durations
The following types of materials are available for longer-term loans:
- books, working papers, journal duplicates - Semester loan: one semester
These materials are available only for short-term loans:
- material marked as a necessary study supplement for a given semester - Short loan: overnight (must be returned the next day before 11 a.m.)
Materials that may be accessed only inside the library:
- the Reserve Collection material: books, journals, copies
- journals: both current and back-issues (unbound and bound)
- statistics Reference: not available for borrowing
- unique publications, newspapers, reference CD ROMS, reference books
More Information about the Library
Further information about the library is available on the local net.
Copy Machines
There is one coin-operated copy machines in the library.