Award of the Minister Education, Youth and Sports.

Award of the Minister for outstanding research, experimental development and innovation for the year 2014.

Laboratory Open Days in 2014

Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry takes part in the Week of Science and Technology in the Czech Republic and holds already 14st Laboratory Open Days.

Extensive Pericentric Rearrangements in the Bread Wheat

Extensive Pericentric Rearrangements in the Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotype “Chinese Spring” Revealed from Chromosome Shotgun Sequence Data

Expression and epigenetic profile of protoplast cultures

Expression and epigenetic profile of protoplast cultures
(Cucumis sativus L.)

A chromosomal genomics approach to assess the draft chickpea genome assemblies

A chromosomal genomics approach to assess and validate the desi and kabuli draft chickpea genome assemblies

Multiple, concentration-dependent effects of sucrose, auxins and cytokinins in explant cultures of kale and tobacco

Multiple, concentration-dependent effects of sucrose, auxins and cytokinins in explant cultures of kale and tobacco

Common Wheat Chromosome 5B Composition Analysis Using Low-Coverage 454 Sequencing

Common Wheat Chromosome 5B Composition Analysis Using Low-Coverage 454 Sequencing.

Structural and functional partitioning of bread wheat chromosome 3B

We produced a reference sequence of the 1-gigabase chromosome 3B of hexaploid bread wheat. By sequencing 8452 bacterial artificial chromosomes in pools, we assembled a sequence of 774 megabases ........

Wheat genome was unveiled!!

Genetic blueprint of bread wheat genome unveiled.  The last step before obtaining the complete DNA sequence of important crops. The genetic blueprint is an invaluable resource to plant science researchers and breeders. For the first time, they have at their disposal a set of tools enabling them to rapidly locate specific genes on individual wheat chromosomes throughout the genome. The team of Professor Jaroslav Doležel developed the chromosome-based strategy to unlock the complex genome of wheat, which is about six times larger the human genome. The team established a unique set of tools for purification of individual chromosomes and they produce chromosome-specific molecular resources for members of IWGSC. This facilitates sequencing the wheat genome following the chromosome by chromosome strategy. Thanks to this, the Czech scientists participate on sequencing all 21 chromosomes of wheat.

Fine Physical and Genetic Mapping of Powdery Mildew

Fine Physical and Genetic Mapping of Powdery Mildew
Resistance Gene MlIW172 Originating from Wild Emmer (Triticum dicoccoides)

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