Seznam grantů a projektů

Dark matter in plant cell nuclei – characterization of nuclear proteins.
New analytical approaches in phytohormone analysis
Multiscale analysis of signalling phospholipids and their interaction protein partners in the regulation of plant tip growth
Following elusive low molecular weight organochlorine compounds of natural and anthropogenically affected ecosystems
The role of hybridization and polyploidization in the evolution in Chenopodium album aggregate: From biosystematics to gene expression
Impact of different topology of heterologous antigenic determinants in PVX-based plant viral vector on their expression level and immunogenicity
Spolupráce s Bioversity International na globální analýze a uchovávání genetické diverzity banánovníku
The role of auxin binding protein 1-mediated signaling in the control of vesicle trafficking in plant cells
Evolution and function of complex plant genomes
Funkce rostlinného poutacího komplexu exocyst v exocytóze, buněčném dělení a biogenezi buněčné stěny
Physical map of wheat chromosome arm 7DS and its use to clone a Russian wheat aphid resistance gene
Regulace kvetení u rodu Chenopodium studovaná pomocí transkriptomiky
Sex chromosome evolution - chromosome-specific genomics in genus Silene
Úloha diacylglycerolu při toxickém působení hliníku u rostlin
Will orchids reshape our understanding of genome-wide processes? Solving the enigma of progressively partial endoreduplication
New genomic technology for the alogamic cultivated plant breeding for improving utility traits
Auxin transport and cytoskeleton in the morphogenesis of plant cells
Biodegradable polymers in waste management
Biotechnology system for agricultural waste-waters cleaning and reuse
Exocyst, poutací komplex sekretorických váčků, v polarizaci transportu auxinu
Exploration of grapevine diversity in production of health promoting compounds
Genome interactions in interspecific hybrids xFestulolium
Hunters or gardeners? Probing plant-microbe interactions in rootless carnivorous Utricularia from a transcriptomic perspective
Integrating proteomic and genomic tools to contribute evolutionary processes across the plant kingdom with emphasis to the family of cytokinins
Nitrosative stress during natural and zinc induced senescence
Phospholipid signaling and interaction with microtubule/actin cytoskeleton in biotic stress response of Arabidopsis thaliana, Czech Science Foundation
Plants and nanoparticles – Friends or Foes?
Propojení proteomických a genomických přístupů při objasňování evolučních procesů napříč rostlinnou říší s důrazem na rodinu cytokininů
Study and utilization of plant metabolisms for organic xenobiotics degradation
Wastewaters reclamation in integrated biotechnology system