Journal of Plant Physiology

Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase overexpression modifies antioxidant defense against heat, drought and their combination in Nicotiana tabacum plants

Lubovská Z., Dobrá j., Štorchová H., Wilhelmová N., Vaňková R.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 171 : 1625- 1633 , 2014

Characterization of the HMA7 gene and transcriptomic analysis of candidate genes for copper tolerance in two Silene vulgaris ecotypes

Baloun, J., Nevrtalova, E., Kovacova, V., Hudzieczek, V., Cegan, R., Vyskot, B., Hobza, R.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 171 : 1188-1196 , 2014
Keywords: Copper, Genes coding ROS-eliminating and Cu-transporting proteins, RNA-Seq database, Tissue-specific transcription

Characterization of transmembrane auxin transport in Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cells. Journal of Plant Physiology

Seifertová D., Skůpa P., Rychtář J., Laňková M., Pařezová M., Dobrev P.I., Hoyerová K., Petrášek J., Zažímalová E.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 171 : 429-437 , 2014

Nitrogen metabolism and gas-exchange parameters associated with zinc stress in tobacco expressing an ipt gene for cytokinin synthesis

Pavlíková D., Pavlík M., Procházková D., Zemanová V., Hnilička F., Wilhelmová N.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 171 : 559-564 , 2014
Keywords: amino acid, cytokinins, photosynthetic rate, senescence, toxic element stress

NADPH oxidase activity in pollen tubes is affected by calcium ions, signaling phospholipids and Rac/Rop GTPases

Potocký M., Pejchar P., Gutkowska M., Jiménez-Quesada M. J., Potocká A., Alché J. D., Kost B., Žárský V.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 169 : 1654-1663 , 2012
Keywords: Pollen tube, Tip growth, NADPH oxidase, Calcium, Phospholipid signaling, Small GTPase, Tobacco, Olive,

Comparison of endogenous cytokinins and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity in germinating and thermoinhibited Tagetes minuta achenes

Stirk W.A., Novák O., Žižková E., Motyka V., Strnad M., van Staden J.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 169 : 696-703 , 2012
Keywords: Cytokinin biosynthesis, Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase, Deactivation, Germination, Thermoinhibition

Complex phytohormone responses during the cold acclimation of two wheat cultivars differing in cold tolerance, winter Samanta and spring Sandra

Kosová K., Prášil I.T., Vítámvás P., Dobrev P., Motyka V., Floková K., Novák O., Turečková V., Rolčík J., Pešek B., Trávníčková A., Gaudinová A., Galiba G., Janda T., Vlasáková E., Prášilová P., Vaňková R.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 169 : 567-576 , 2012
Keywords: Cold stress, Dehydrin, Frost tolerance, Phytohormones, Wheat

Tobacco leaves and roots differ in the expression of proline metabolism-related genes in the course of drought stress and subsequent recovery.

Dobrá J., Vankova R., Havlová M., Burman A.J., Libus J., Štorchová H.
Keywords: Drought stress, recovery, proline dehydrogenase, proline synthetase, tobacco

Comparison of hormonal responses to heat, drought and combined stress in tobacco plants with elevated proline content

Dobrá J., Motyka V., Dobrev P., Malbeck J., Prášil I.T., Haisel D., Gaudinová A., Havlová M., Gubiš J., Vaňková R.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 167 : 1360-1370 , 2010
Keywords: Auxin, cytokinin, drought, heat stress, proline

Changes in pattern of phenolic acids induced by culture filtrate of Fusarium oxysporum in alfalfa plants differing in susceptibility to the pathogen.

Cvikrová M., Nedělník J., Eder J., Binarová, P.
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