Z cyklu
Seminář Ústavu termomechaniky
Mikrokosmos a makrokosmos: záhady a souvislosti
přednáší Jiří Chýla, FZÚ AV ČR, v. v. i.
3. prosince 2014 (středa), 10.00
Přednášková místnost B
Redaktor: Jiří Plešek
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Sborník obsahuje články prezentované na konferenci „Euromech Colloquium on Formulations and Constitutive Laws for Very Large Strains“, která se uskutečnila v Praze v roce 2001. Na konferenci se sešli výzkumní pracovníci zabývající se vývojem konstitutivních modelů vhodných pro popis odezvy materiálu při velkých deformacích. Hlavními tématy byly teoretické
problémy hyperelasticity, plasticity při konečném přetvoření, lokalizace, numerické metody a experimentální poznatky. Sborník je určen vědcům v oblasti materiálového inženýrství, aplikované mechaniky a počítačové mechaniky.
Plná znění článků (15)
S. Cleja-Tigoiu: Large elasto-plastic deformations in anisotropic and dissipative materials
Z. Fiala: Theory of finite deformations and differential geometry
M. Sraml, I. Potrc, M. Ulbin, J. Stupan: Computer aided analysis and optimisation of the forging process
Y. F. Dafalias: Physico-geometrical coupling in finite strain elastoplasticity
P. Rougee: Exact and approximated kinematics frames for the statement of constitutive laws in large strain
I. Doltsinis: Significance of gravity in ceramic paste extrusion
F. Kroupa, J. Plesek: Elastic nonlinearity due to microcracks in thermally sprayed materials
L. Berka: Large high gradient strains in polycrystals - experimental investigation
M. Holecek, F. Poirier: Hyperelastic models of living tissues based on the microcontinual approach
M. L. Profit, J. Bonet: Non-linear non-isotropic viscoelastic constitutive models for soft biological tissues
F. Barlat, J. W. Yoon, J. C. Brem, O. Cazacu: Plane stress yield function for aluminum alloy sheetsR. Souchet: Large strains revisited in plasticity
S. Alexandrov, E. Lyamina: Damage evolution in axisymmetric solid bars subject to combined tension and torsion
E. Hirsch, D. Mordehai: The internal tension when shear-bands form
E. Hirsch, D. Mordehai: The one stream line model solution of the asymmetric two flow collision problem limitations and applications
Rozšířené abstrakty (3)
P. Haupt, T. Kersten: On the modelling of anisotropic material behaviour in viscoplasticity
J. Dunwoody, R. W. Ogden: On the thermodynamic stability of elastic heat conducting solids subject to a deformation-temperature constraint
E. Rohan: A two scale updated Lagrangian algorithm for large deformation problems in heterogeneous media
Abstrakty (14)
R. W. Ogden: Evolution of natural configurations and material symmetry during finite deformation induced damage
J. Plesek: On the pursuit of objective derivative
M. Schmidt-Baldassari, K. Hackl: Incremental variational principles in large strain damage mechanics
S. Reese, B. Svendsen: On the modeling of internal variables as structure tensors in anisotropic, finite-deformation inelasticity
T. Boehlke, A. Bertram, E. Krempl: Simulation and modeling of crystallographic texture induced elastic and plastic anisotropy
Z. Prevorovsky, J. Krofta, M. Blahacek, M. Raab: Acoustic emission during necking and plastic elongation of semi-crystalline polymer blends
G. A. Holzapfel, T. C. Gasser, R.W. Ogden: A new constitutive framework for arterial wall mechanics and a comparative study of material models
T. C. Gasser, G. A. Holzapfel: A structural model for the viscoelastic behavior of soft tissues
L. J. Sluys, Y. Estrin: Multi-level analysis of thin sheet metal forming
O. T. Bruhns, A. T. M. Meyers, H. Xiao: Comments on the logarithmic strain and the logarithmic rate
L. Szabo, A. Pethoe: A model for large deformation plasticity based on logarithmic rate
A. Pozivilova, F. Fridrich: Experimental verification of logarithmic hyperelastic models
B. Marvalova, R. Urban: Identification of orthotropic hyperelastic material properties of cord-rubber cylindrical air-spring
M. Landa, J. Plesek: Experimental assessment of various deformation measures in acoustoelasticity