Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Semináře a workshopy oddělení mgr-tomas-koval

  • user warning: Unknown column 'mgr' in 'where clause' query: select field_laboratore_value, field_laborator_value from content_type_oddeleni as o, content_field_oddeleni_cislo as c where o.nid = c.nid and c.field_oddeleni_cislo_value = mgr-tomas-koval in /home/drupal/www/sites/all/themes/fzu/template.php on line 151.
  • user warning: Unknown column 'mgr' in 'where clause' query: select field_laboratore_value, field_laborator_value from content_type_oddeleni as o, content_field_oddeleni_cislo as c where o.nid = c.nid and c.field_oddeleni_cislo_value = mgr-tomas-koval in /home/drupal/www/sites/all/themes/fzu/template.php on line 151.
  • user warning: Unknown column 'mgr' in 'where clause' query: select field_laboratore_value, field_laborator_value from content_type_oddeleni as o, content_field_oddeleni_cislo as c where o.nid = c.nid and c.field_oddeleni_cislo_value = mgr-tomas-koval in /home/drupal/www/sites/all/themes/fzu/template.php on line 151.
  • user warning: Unknown column 'mgr' in 'where clause' query: select field_laboratore_value, field_laborator_value from content_type_oddeleni as o, content_field_oddeleni_cislo as c where o.nid = c.nid and c.field_oddeleni_cislo_value = mgr-tomas-koval in /home/drupal/www/sites/all/themes/fzu/template.php on line 151.

Žádný seminář není ohlášen.

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