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Chapter in monograph
Stachová, Jana

Důvěra a občanská angažovanost regionálních elit

Stachová, Jana. 2005. „Důvěra a občanská angažovanost regionálních elit.“ Pp. 69-76 in Kostelecký Tomáš, Jana Vobecká (eds.). Regionální elity 2004. Sociologické studie / Sociological Studies 05:03. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 152 s. ISBN 80-7330-074-5.

The regional elites express a higher level of generalized and institutional trust in comparison with the average among the Czech population. The cause of this difference can be found in the income inequalities and in the level of education. The regional elites express also a greatest degree of civic participation than the Czech population, they are more politically and civically active. The results of analysis show also the differences between particular types of the regional elites. Political elites express considerably high level of generalized and institutional trust. The lowest level of generalized trust exhibit the cultural elites and the lowest trust in institutions express representatives of the economic elites.

Part of publication: 
Kostelecký, Tomáš, Jana Vobecká (eds.)


civil society
politics (and political attitudes)