Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Award for research on diamond for biology

The team at the Institute of Physics was awarded the 1st place at the international conference Nanocon 2014 for the best poster on the topic 3D Diamond Membranes for Microfluidic Systems. The competition included about 250 posters from the Czech Republic and abroad. The awarded poster was presented by Dr. Alexander Kromka from the Laboratory of diamond and carbon nanostructures.

Award for outstanding cooperation with industry

Scientists from the Medical Faculty of Palacky University in Olomouc (M. Raška), Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Brno (J. Turánek), Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR (M. Ledvina) and Institute of Physics ASCR (I. Kratochvílová) in cooperation with Bioveta company (V. Vrzal) obtained the award for a development of the recombinant vaccine against Borrelia infection.

V. G. Kadyshevsky died

On 24 September 2014 Russian physicist Prof. V. G. Kadyshevsky died. He was born on 5 May 1937 in Moscow. In 1987-92 V.G. Kadyshevsky was Director of the JINR Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. From 1992 to 2005 he was Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR).

The obituary is published on the JINR website.

New ERC project in the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences

Joerg Wunderlich from the Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics of the Institute of Physics ASCR, with his colleagues from the UK and Germany, was awarded the prestigious ERC Synergy Grant for the project “Spin-charge conversion and spin caloritronics at hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces”. The project has started in August 2014 and will run till July 2020. Besides the Institute of Physics, the other participating organizations are the University of Cambridge, Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory, Imperial College in London, and the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz.

Postgraduate student Miroslav Myška awarded the Prize of the Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague

At the end of the last year, postgraduate student Miroslav Myška from the Department of Particle Theory and Phenomenology was awarded the Prize of the Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague for an outstanding PhD thesis of the II. Degree (typically three prizes in each degree from I to III are awarded annually).

PhD. student L. Ondič awarded at an important international conference

Lukáš Ondič, PhD. student at Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, received the Best Presentation Award for his contribution titled Two-dimensional Photonic Crystals for Enhancing Light Extraction Efficiency from Luminescent Layers to The 2nd International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science held at Huntington Beach, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

Scientists from the Institute of Physics developed a unique way how to protect the surface of zirconium alloys used in nuclear reactors

Zirconium alloys are currently used in all commercially operated light water and heavy water nuclear reactors. Devices in nuclear reactors have to serve for a very long time, quite faultlessly and without maintenance, and their environmental parameters can become very extreme. Zirconium alloys are affected by surrounding setting even during normal nuclear reactor operation, but at temperatures above 800 ° C dangerous high temperature corrosion occurs.

The Nobel laureate Walter Kohn in Prague

The Nobel Prize winner Professor Walter Kohn gave a public lecture in Prague on July 9th 2013, 2pm in seminar room no. 103 at FJFI ČVUT, Prague 1, Břehová 7.


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