Rakušanová, Petra. 2002. „Reprezentace zemědělských zájmů v legislativním procesu Parlamentu ČR: Teoretická sonda a empirické implikace.“ Pp. 43-50. Reprezentace zemědělských zájmů v českém stranickém systému po roce 1989. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita. ISBN 80-213-0990-3.
The contribution aims at theoretical as well as general determination of the framework in which the process of articulation of interest with a stress on agricultural sector takes place. This framework is further applied on the analysis of empirical material. The main findings are following: in the Czech agrarian sector effective hierarchical structures of interest representation and horizontal and vertical intermediary channels within these structures are with few exceptions successfully consolidating. In accordance with the current trends in the world, the shift from social neo-corporativism to administrative lobbying takes place.
politics (and political attitudes)