Completed project

From Destratification to Stratification? The Development of the Social Stratification System in the Czech Republic, 1991 - 2009

Project duration: 
2007 - 2010

The project aims at corroborating the “value lag hypothesis,” according which further consolidation of the social stratification system in the Czech Republic will depend more on the crystallization of its normative background (values and norms) rather than on development in its objective dimension (inequality). Prior research carried out by the principal investigator and his team shows that the social stratification system in the Czech Republic has gone through three key phases, with each phase involving different dynamics in its objective and subjective dimensions. Both the secondary data analysis and new comparative survey planned to be carried out in 2009 will be used to assess the validity of the assumption that while the economic transition has almost reached completion, the ‘value transition’ towards a system of meritocratic beliefs has not. This tension in the stratification system may be the underlying cause of a wide range of significant social and political phenomena, such as widespread negative attitudes towards economic elites, the continued strong role of reciprocity networks, rampant corruption, and eroded patterns of beliefs about life-success among both the adult population and adolescents.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech science foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 19, displaying 11 - 19)

Simonová, Natalie, Petr Soukup

This article traces the effect of socio-economic, cultural, and gender factors on the reproduction of educational inequalities in access to tertiary education in the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, and Sweden. While this text follows up on previous analyses, the authors also pursue two new directions of inquiry: 1) an international comparison, and 2) an update of the development of inequalities in all the mentioned countries since 2002.

intergenerational relations, social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Simonová, Natalie

The article explains educational reproduction in the Czech Lands between 1906 and 2003 from the perspective of educational mobility. The analysis is based on observations of the intergenerational transmission of educational status in two educational transitions between three educational levels (lower secondary, upper secondary, and higher education).

intergenerational relations, social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Katrňák, Tomáš, Natalie Simonová

The aim of the book is to capture the inequalities associated with positions on the Czech labour market (class inequalities) from the intergenerational perspective and to show their trends and transformation. The book tries to answer the question of how social change influenced these inequalities between 1989 and 2009 (from socialism to capitalism).

intergenerational relations, migration and mobility, social capital, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Veselý, Arnošt, Michael L. Smith

This article proposes a new conceptual framework based on social mechanisms and the multileveled nature of the stratification process. The authors argue that the identification of social mechanisms should be a core aspect of sociological explanation. They apply their conceptual framework to stratification research, where the authors observe that the micro-to-macro linkage is one of the least explored, but also one of the most promising, areas of future research.

social inequalities
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Matějů, Petr, Michael L. Smith

The article analyzes, on the basis of social surveys conducted in 1991, 1995, 2006 and 2009, the development of beliefs about distributive justice in the Czech Republic and Germany and the rootedness of those values in the stratification system.

social inequalities
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Katrňák, Tomáš, Natalie Simonová

The aim of the article is to identify the trend in educational fluidity in the Czech Republic between 1990 and 2009 and offer an explanation for it. The authors analyse trends in educational fluidity from a period and birth cohort perspective. The findings show that educational fluidity did not increase in Czech society between 1990 and 2003. From 2004 to 2009 this trend changed and a slight increase in educational fluidity became evident.

intergenerational relations, social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Simonová, Natalie, Petr Soukup

V textu si autoři položili otázku, jaký vliv má mezigenerační přenos ekonomických, sociálních a kulturních zdrojů rodiny na šance mladých lidí úspěšně přejít na vysokou školu, tedy dosáhnout nejvyššího vzdělanostního statusu. K analýze byla použita data z longitudinálního výzkumu PISA-L, který je doplňkovým šetřením výzkumu PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) a který provádí oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace SOÚ AV ČR, v.v

work, social policy, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
Simonová, Natalie, Tomáš Katrňák

The paper provides a survey of the key thematic and methodological milestones in research into educational inequalities. It focuses on authors and concepts that introduced major innovations and contributed to significant advancements in the analysis and knowledge of educational inequalities. We have distinguished three periods, focusing on two key concepts in each. Three of the concepts are presented as breakthrough methodological innovations and three are viewed as thematic innovations.

methodology, social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Konečný, Tomáš, Josef Basl, Jan Mysliveček, Natalie Simonová

The study compares the potential effects of a university admission exam model based on program-specific knowledge and an alternative model relying on general study aptitude (GSA) in the context of a strongly stratified educational system with considerable excess of demand over supply of university education.

Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
