Completed project

Educational Mobility and Educational Inequalities in the Czech Republic between 1936 and 2004

Project duration: 
2006 - 2008

Current sociological approach to educational inequalities increasingly focuses on relative chances to educational transitions. Thus, the impact of structural contexts, establishing these chances, is completely eliminated. International comparison and the understanding of “mobility regimes” is facilitated, but mobility development as such remains on the margins of interpretational interest. However, periods of deep social changes give rise to more or less massive mobility movements, which give a realistic meaning to “mobility regimes”. In the Czech Republic (or Czechoslovakia), periods before 1948, between 1948 and 1989 and after 1989 can be justifiably expected to feature typical mobility trajectories and differing mobility patterns. The missing knowledge about the development of educational mobility prevents the understanding of why, despite the changing social situation, the measured relative inequalities in the long-term perspective in the Czech Republic remain stable. Without the knowledge of structural contexts, we will hardly understand inequalities in access to education. The mobility point of view actually means to go against the current relativising trend and to deal with specific local structural contexts.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech science foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 21, displaying 11 - 20)

Simonová, Natalie

The editorial shows the amount of themes represented in this monothematic number of Socioweb, devoted to Sociology of Education. It indicates how heterogeneous can the work on this theme be in one small research team. In the same time it shows what do members of the team produce lately.

social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
Smith, Michael L.

An extended book review that overviews the arguments, data and analysis of the book Nerovné šance na vzdělaní (Unequal Chances in Education), edited by Petr Mateju and Jana Strakova.

social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Simonová, Natalie

Text shrnuje obsah monografie „České vysoké školství na křižovatce“. Ta ukazuje, do jaké míry existují v České republice podmínky pro přechod od výdajového modelu financování vysokého školství k investičnímu modelu, resp. jaké povahy jsou bariéry, které tomuto přechodu brání. Autorský tým se pokusil o propojení diskuse probíhající na poli ekonomické teorie s analýzou vývoje pokusů o reformu financování českého vysokého školství v kontextu jeho celkové proměny po r. 1989.

Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
Simonová, Natalie

The text gives information about the international conference “Expected and Unexpected Consequences of the Educational Expansion“, organised between 8th and 13th July 2007 by dr. Andreas Hadjar and prof. Rolf Becker from Abteilung Bildungssoziologie at Universität Bern in collaboration with Centro Stefano Franscini and Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research.

social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Other publication
Simonová, Natalie
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Other publication
Simonová, Natalie, Petr Soukup

The aim of this work was to identify the trends in the influence of socio-economic, cultural and gender factors in the reproduction of educational inequality in access to tertiary education in the five chosen countries (CR, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany and Poland) between 1955 and 2002. We were eminently interested in seeing whether educational inequality has increased or decreased since 1989, which factor drives the trend and which of the other countries is closest to the Czech context.

gender, migration and mobility, social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Simonová, Natalie, Tomáš Katrňák

This article provides a look at the main turning points in research on educational inequalities, both at the level of the field’s subject matter and its methodology. The text focuses on authors and concepts that in their time constituted a major innovation, significantly advancing analysis and knowledge in the field of research on educational inequalities. The authors define three basic periods, and for each one present two key concepts.

methodology, social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Simonová, Natalie
social inequalities, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
Simonová, Natalie, Dimonik Antonowitz

This article aims to compare development in tackling educational inequalities and attempt to evaluate their policies and reforms from the beginning of socialism to-date in the Czech Republic and Poland. A considerable difference in the number of higher education institutions emerged in both countries. We show the negative impact of this development on educational inequalities and the social consequences of the enormous increase in student and private universities numbers.

social inequalities, public policy, education
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Simonová, Natalie

The text constitutes an excurse among different definitions of the term “education” in various dictionaries. It tries to find not only sociological definitions in the encyclopedias, which are accessible to the Czech audience.

Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
