Mgr. Jakub Trnka, PhD.
Research interests:
Classical phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger, Scheler); German Classical Philosophy (Kant); Modern Czech philosophy (Kosík, Kohák); Some issues in social and political thought
My work is concerned primarily with the question of unthematised presuppositions which delimit the general framework of our understanding and with it also of our orientation in the world. I focus on the issue of the so-called fundamental structures of experience, their various levels, their possible modification in history and the possibility of their perversion or collapse. The work is endeavouring to find a normative foundation which could serve not only as a starting point for philosophical consideration of the fullness of human life, but also for a transcendental anchoring of political standpoint which comes critically to terms with concrete social phenomena.
2008-14 Doctoral study at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at The School of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague. Dissertation: Kant and Husserl on the transcendental nature of experiences (adviser doc. RNDr. Josef Moural, CSc)
2005-7 Attendance in courses at the Department of Philosophy, Freiburg University, Germany
2002-2005 Bachelor study at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at The School of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague.
1999-2004 Master study at the School of Sport Sciences, Charles University, Prague. Thesis: The benefit and the good in sport from phenomenological point of view (adviser prof. PhDr. Anna Hogenová, CSc)
2013 "From Praxis to the Concrete. The Thought of Karel Kosík" ( Od praxe ke konkrétnosti. K myšlení Karla Kosíka). In: Bendová, M., ‒ Borovanská J. ‒ Vejvodová D. (eds): Filosofie v podzemí, filosofie v zázemí. Podoby filosofie v době normalizace a po sametové revoluci. Nomáda, Praha 2013, pp. 204-212.
2013 "Home and the Human World" (Domov a svět člověka. Mezi Kosíkem a Kohákem). In: Kohák E. ‒ Trnka J. (eds): Hledání české filosofie. Collection of articles. Special edition of Filosofický časopis, Filosofia, Praha, 2013, pp. 321-337.
2012 „Experience between Sense and Value. Fundamental Principles of phenomenology in the Mirror of Scheler's Ethical Personalism" (Zkušenost mezi smyslem a hodnotou. Základní principy fenomenologii v zrcadle Schelerova etického personalismu). In: Filosofický časopis, 58, 2013, Nr. 3, pp. 361-376.
2010 "Phenomenology's Metaphysical Commitment. Contribution to the interpretation of the problem of ontology in the philosophy of Edmund Husserl" (Metafysický závazek fenomenologie. Příspěvek k interpretaci ontologické problematiky ve filozofii Edmunda Husserla). In: Filosofický časopis, 58, 2010, Nr. 5, pp. 645-661.
Books edited
Kohák E. ‒ Trnka J. (eds): Hledání české filosofie. Collection of articles. Special edition of Filosofický Časopis, Filosofia, Praha, 2013, 385 pp.
Hrubec, M. - Pauza, M. - Zumr, J: The Philosophy of Karel Kosík (Myslitel Karel Kosík). Filosofický časopis, 59, 2011, č. 5, pp. 761 – 765.
Erazim Kohák, Hearth and Horizon (Domov a dálava). In: Reflexe, filosofický časopis, 38/2010, pp. 122 – 124.
Norman Kemp-Smith, A commentary to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1918), In: Nomáda, 9/2010, pp. 53 – 55.