Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
tel.: 221 183 337
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Work position: Postodoctoral Fellow and Editor of Latin works in critical edition J. A. Comenii Opera omnia.
Research Fields of Interest:
- early modern correspondence
- ancient Greek music, ancient treatises on music
místnostroom: 101a
telefontelephone: 221 183 311
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2006-2014: Ph.D. student at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute for Greek and Latin Studies. Ph.D. thesis: Aristides Quintilianus a postavení jeho spisu Peri músikés mezi dochovanými hudebně-teoretickými spisy (Aristides Quintilianus and the Position His Work on Music Holds among the Extant Musicological Treatises)
August/September 2013: research stay at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań
1999–2006: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute for Greek and Latin Studies, Master in Latin and Ancient Greek. MA thesis: Pseudo-Plútarchos O hudbě – úvod, překlad a komentář (Pseudo-Plutarch On Music – Introduction, Translation, Commentary)
since April 2014: Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, editorial work
since 2013: Paneuropean University, Faculty of Law, teaching of Latin for lawyers
since 2006: Christian Grammar School in Hostivař (Křesťanské gymnázium), teaching of Latin
Research grants:
one–year grant GAUK 2013, Pseudo-Plútarchos O hudbě (Pseudo-Plutarch On Music)
since October 2013: Paneuropean University, Faculty of Law, teaching of Latin for lawyers
since 2006: Christian Grammar School in Hostivař (Křesťanské gymnázium), teaching of Latin
Pseudo–Plútarchos O hudbě – úvod, překlad a komentář (Pseudo-Plutarch On Music – Introduction, Translation, Commentary), in print at OIKOYMENH (2015)
Svatá Apolena, patronka zubních lékařů (Saint Apollonia, the Patron of Dentists), in: LKS 22, no. 2, 2012, pp. 32-33.
Postava pěvce v řecké mytologii (A Poet in Greek Mythology), in: Visuque et auditu iuxta venerabilis adrogantiam effugerat, Sborník k 80. narozeninám prof. Bohumily Mouchové, Praha 2013, pp. 153-155.
Review: Černý, M. K., Hudba antických kultur, 2. vyd. Praha, Academia, 2006, in: Hudební věda 44, 2007, pp. 361–363.
Review: Apofthegmata – výroky a příběhy pouštních otců, svazek I, II z řeckého a latinského originálu přeložil a komentářem opatřil Jiří Pavlík, Praha, Benediktinské arciopatství sv. Vojtěcha a sv. Markéty, 2000, 2005; in: Auriga ZJKF 50, 2008, pp. 132-133.
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