Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

ČT1 Hyde Park, 26.1.2015.

Zemi mine ve vzdálenosti 1 200 000 km...

YouTube, 27.12.2014.

Přednáška RNDr.Jiřího Grygara, CSc. v...

ČT24, Hydepark Civilizace, 6.12.2014.

LED diody. Mikroskop s...

Přírůstky knihovního fondu Slovanka 2010

A 1
Hodnota člověka : filosoficko-politické eseje / Konrad Paul Liessmann. [z něm. orig. přeložili Jiří Fiala, Jan Frei].
Praha : Malovaný kraj, 2010.
( Knihovna ceny nadace Dagmar a Václava Havlových Vize 97; Sv. 12 )

Karel Vorovka : cesta matematika k filosofii / Helena Pavlincová.
Praha : Filosofia, 2010.

A 2
Skrytá poselství vědy : rozhovory s vědci / Sylva Daníčková.
Praha : Academia, 2009.

The technical writer´s handbook : writing with style and clarity / Matt Young.
Sausalito : University Science Books, 2002.

Skrytá poselství vědy : rozhovory s vědci / Sylva Daníčková.
Praha : Academia, 2009.

Arabské Španělsko a evropská vzdělanost / Juan Vernet; [ze špan. a franc. j. přeložil Jiří Kasl].
Brno : L. Marek, 2007.

Pohledy do minulosti elektrotechniky : objevy, myšlenky, vynálezy, osobnosti / Daniel Mayer.
2. dopl. vyd. České Budějovice : KOOP, 2004.

Labyrinty pro elektrony / Vladimír Železný.
Praha : Nakladatelství dopravy a spojů, 1986.
( Edice Směr )

Počítače z Loretánského náměstí. Život a dílo Antonína Svobody / George J. Klir, Petr Vysoký.
Praha : ČVUT, 2007.

Členové České akademie věd a umění 1890-1952 / Alena Šlechtová, Josef Levora. 2. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 2004.

Science in Sweden : the Royal Swedish academy of sciences 1739-1989 / ed. Tore Frängsmyr.
Canton : Science History Publications, 1989.

Whiteheadova filosofie přírody : se zvláštním zřetelem k "londýnskému" období / Michal Andrle.
Červený Kostelec : Pavel Mervart, 2010.
( Amfibios; Sv. 12 )

A 4
Moje šílené století / Ivan Klíma. Praha : Academia, 2009.
( Paměť; Sv.17 )

Moje šílené století II. 1967-1989 / Ivan Klíma. Praha : Academia, 2010.
( Paměť; Sv. 32 )

A 6
2010 Britannica book of the year : events of 2009 / ed. Karen Jacobs Sparks. Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2010.
( Britannica book of the year )

B 6
Modern biophysical chemistry : detection and analysis of biomolecules / Peter Jomo Walla. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2009.

C 1.2
The nature of the hydrogen bond : outline of a comprehensive hydrogen bond theory / Gastone Gilli, Paola Gilli. New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
( IUCr monographs on crystallography; Vol. 23 )

C 1.8
Modern molecular photochemistry of organic molecules / Nicholas J. Turro, V. Ramamurthy, J.C. Scaiano. Sausalito : University Science Books, 2010.

Photochemistry of organic compounds : from concepts to practice / Petr Klán, Jakob Wirz. Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

Phospholipids handbook / ed. Gregor Cevc.
New York : Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1993.

E 2.1
Microwave electronics : measurement and materials characterization / L. F. Chen a kol.
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2004.

F 1.1
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes : gentleman physicien / Laurence Plévert.
Paris : Belin, 2009.

P. G. de Gennes' impact on science. Vol. 1. Solid state and liquid crystals. / eds. Julien Bok, Jacques Prost, Francoise Brochard-Wyart. Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2009.
( Series on directions in condensed matter physics; Vol. 18 )

P. G. de Gennes' impact on science. Vol. 2. Soft matter and biophysics / eds. Julien Bok, Jacques Prost, Francoise Brochard-Wyart. Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2009.
( Series on directions in condensed matter physics; Vol. 19 )

Dobrý den, pane Ampére / Tomáš Borec; [ze slovenského orig. přeložili Růžena Kolářová, Alena Cimbálníková, Jan Maršák].
Praha : SNTL, 1980.

Physics and beyond : encounters and conversations / Werner Heisenberg.
New York : Harper & Row, Publishers, 1971.
( World perspectives; Vol. 42 )

The self-evolving cosmos : a phenomenological approach to nature´s unity-in-diversity / Steven M. Rosen. Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2008.
( Series on knots and everything; Vol. 18 )

Sborník referátů z konference ke 100. výročí narození Prof. RNDr. Zdeňka Horáka, DrSc. / eds. Pavel Fiala a kol. Prague : Czech Technical University, 1998.
( Acta Polytechnica; zvláštní číslo )

Matematici, fyzici a astronómia na Slovensku 2. 2. rozšířené vyd. Bratislava : Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, 1999.

Václav Petržílka / red. Ivan Úlehla.
Praha : Univerzita Karlova, 1985.

Fyzika v kulturních dějinách Evropy. Atomový věk / Ivo Kraus.
Praha : ČVUT, 2010.

Proměny doby / Jan Peřina.
Olomouc : Universita Palackého, 2009.

Dějiny fyziky / Ivan Štoll.
Praha : Prometheus, 2009.

I. sjezd československých fysiků.
Praha : Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd, 1957.
Akce: I. sjezd československých fysiků (Praha 23.09.-28.09.1957)

Za materialistické pojetí moderní fysiky : sborník článků ze sovětské diskuse o základních filosofických otázkách moderní fysiky.
Praha : Rovnost, 1952.

The many worlds of Hugh Everett III : multiple universes, mutual assured destruction, and the meltdown of nuclear family / Peter Byrne.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

History of CERN. Vol. 3 / ed. John Krige.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1996.

Heat, thermal analysis and society / Jaroslav Šesták.
Hradec Králové : Nucleus HK, 2004.

Einstein : jeho život a vesmír / Walter Isaacson, [z angl. přeložil Martin Pokorný, doslov Jiří Bičák].
Praha : Paseka, 2010.

The grand design / Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow.
New York : Bantam Books, 2010.

The grand design / Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow.
New York : Bantam Books, 2010.

F 1.2
Properties of perovskites and other oxides / eds. Karl Alex Müller, Tom W. Kool.
New Jersey : World Scientific Publishing, 2010.

F 1.3
Technická fysika / František Nachtikal. 4.vyd.
Praha : Státní nakladatelství učebnic, 1951.

Teorija polja / Lev Davidovič Landau, Jevgenij Michajlovič Lifšic.
Moskva : Gosudarstvennoje izdatel'stvo techniko-teoretičeskoj literatury, 1941.
( Teoretičeskaja fizika; Tom 4 )

Teoretická fyzika (nekvantová) / Ivan Štoll, Jiří Tolar.
Praha : ČVUT, 1981.

F 1.4
Quantities, units and symbols in physical chemistry / E. Richard Cohen a kol. 3.vyd.
Cambridge : The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007.

F 1.8
Fyzika a filozofie / Ivan Úlehla.
Praha : SNTL, 1989.

Fyzika nemožného / Michio Kaku, [přeložil Petr Liebl].
Praha : Argo, Dokořán, 2010.

Fyzika pro gymnázia : fyzika mikrosvěta / Ivan Štoll.
Praha : Prometheus, 2008.

Fyzika : sbírka úloh pro střední školy / Oldřich Lepil, Milan Bednařík, Miroslava Široká.
Praha : Prometheus, 2010.

F 2.1
Spin and torsion in gravitation / Venzo de Sabbata, C. Sivaram.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 1994.

Relativity, gravitation, and cosmology : a basic introduction / Ta-Pei Cheng. 2. vyd.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005.
( Oxford master series in physics; Vol. 11 )

Einsteinův princip relativnosti a teorie gravitační / František Záviška.
Praha : Jednota československých matematiků a fysiků, 1925. ( Kruh; Sv. 1 )

Teorie relativity a gravitační vlny / Jiří Bičák, Valentin Nikolajevič Rudenko.
Praha : Univerzita Karlova, 1986.

F 2.4
Quantum information / Stephen M. Barnett.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
( Oxford master series in physics; Vol. 16 )

Advanced quantum theory : an outline of the fundamental ideas / Paul Roman.
Reading : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1965.

Quantum mechanics / Gennaro Auletta, Mauro Fortunato, Giorgio Parisi.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

The uncertainty principle and foundations of quantum mechanics : a fifty years´ survey / eds. William C. Price, Seymor S. Chissick.
London : John Wiley & Sons, 1977.

Many worlds? : Everett, quantum theory, and reality / eds. Simon Saunders a kol.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

How physics confronts reality : Einstein was correct, but Bohr won the game / Roger G. Newton.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2009.

F 2.5
Statistical field theory : an introduction to exactly solved models in statistical physics / Giuseppe Mussardo.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

Quantum Hall effects : field theoretical approach and related topics / Zyun F. Ezawa. 2. vyd.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2008.

Statistische Mechanik auf quantentheoretischer Grundlage / Pascual Jordan.
Braunschweig : Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1944.
( Die Wissenschaft Einzeldarstellungen aus der Naturwissenschaft und der Techik; Band 87 )

Neravnovesnaja statističeskaja mechanika / Ilya Prigogine.
Moskva : Mir, 1964.

Brownian motion : fluctuations, dynamics, and applications / Robert M. Mazo.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2002.
( International series of monographs on physics; Vol. 112 )

The Landau theory of phase transitions : application to structural, incommensurate, magnetic, and liquid crystal systems / Jean-Claude Tolédano, Pierre Tolédano.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 1987.
( World scientific lecture notes in physics; Vol. 3 )

Condensed matter field theory / Alexander Altland, Ben Simons. 2. vyd.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

F 3.1
A zeptospace odyssey : a journey into the physics of the LHC / Gian Francesco Giudice.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

Proceedings of the 30th international conference on high energy physics. Vol. 1 / eds. C. S. Lim, Taku Yamanaka. Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2001.
Akce: 30th international conference on High energy physics; (Osaka 27.07.-02.08.2000)

Proceedings of the 30th international conference on high energy physics. Vol. 2 / eds. C. S. Lim, Taku Yamanaka.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2001.
Akce: 30th international conference on High energy physics; (Osaka 27.07.-02.08.2000)

Proceedings of the Heidelberg international conference on elementary particles / ed. H. Filthuth.
Amsterdam : North-Holland Publishing Company, 1968.
Akce: Proceedings of the Heidelberg international conference on elementary particles (Heidelberg 20.09.-27.09.1967)

High energy cosmic rays / Todor Stanev. 2. vyd.
Berlin : Springer, Chichester : Praxis Publishing, 2010.

CP violation / I. I. Bigi, A. I. Sanda. 2 vyd.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
( Cambridge monographs on particle physics nuclear physics and cosmology; Vol. 28 )

Proceedings of the 16th international conference on high energy physics. Vol. 1. Parallel sessions : strong interactions / eds. J. D. Jackson, A. Roberts.
Batavia : National Accelerator Laboratory, 1972.
Akce: 16th international conference on High energy physics; (Batavia 06.09.-13.09.1972)

Proceedings of the 16th international conference on high energy physics. Vol. 2. Parallel sessions : mostly currents and weak interactions / eds. J. D. Jackson, A. Roberts.
Batavia : National Accelerator Laboratory, 1972.
Akce: 16th international conference on High energy physics; (Batavia 06.09.-13.09.1972)

Proceedings of the 16th international conference on high energy physics. Vol. 3. Plenary sessions : strong interactions / eds. J. D. Jackson, A. Roberts.
Batavia : National Accelerator Laboratory, 1972.
Akce: 16th international conference on High energy physics; (Batavia 06.09.-13.09.1972)

Proceedings of the 16th international conference on high energy physics. Vol. 4. Plenary sessions : mostly currents and weak interactions / eds. J. D. Jackson, A. Roberts.
Batavia : National Accelerator Laboratory, 1972.
Akce: 16th international conference on High energy physics; (Batavia 06.09.-13.09.1972)

Proceedings of the international Europhysics conference on high-energy physics / eds. J. Lemonne, C. Vander Velde, F. Verbeure.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 1996.
Akce: International Europhysics conference on High-energy physics; (Brussels 27.07.-02.08.1995)

Group theory for the standard model of particle physics and beyond / Ken J. Barnes.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010.
( Series in high energy physics, cosmology, and gravitation )

The standard model and beyond / Paul Langacker.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010
( Series in high energy physics, cosmology, and gravitation )

Vsego liš´ kinematika / Gercen Isajevič Kopylov.
Moskva : Nauka, 1981.
( Bibliotečka kvant; Vypusk 11 )

Dokonce ani ne špatně : lesk a bída strunové teorie / Peter Woit, [z angl. orig. přeložil Jan Novotný].
Praha : Paseka, 2010.

Gauge field theories / Paul H. Frampton. 3. vyd.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2008.

The Higgs hunter´s guide / John Francis Gunion ...[a kol.].
Cambridge : Perseus Publishing, 1990.
( Frontiers in physics; Vol. 80 )

Proceedings of the international Europhysics conference on high-energy physics / eds. J. Carr, M. Perrottet. Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 1994.
Akce: International Europhysics conference on High-energy physics; (Marseille 22.07.-28.07.1993)

The shape of inner space : string theory and the geometry of the Universe´s hidden dimensions / Shing-Tung Yau, Steve Nadis.
New York : Basic Books, 2010.

F 3.2
Struktura atomového jádra / Jozef Kvasnica.
Praha : SNTL, 1962.
( Populární přednášky o fyzice; Sv. 3 )

Transmutations of nuclei / Zdeněk Vintr; [přeložil Milan F. Votruba, ed. P. S. Allen].
London : Iliffe Books Ltd., Prague : SNTL, 1966.
( Physics paperbacks; Vol.8 )

F 3.3
The CERN large hadron collider accelerator and experiments. Vol.1. LHC machine, ALICE, and ATLAS / eds. Amos Breskin, Rüdiger Voss.
Geneva : CERN, 2009.

The CERN large hadron collider accelerator and experiments. Vol.2. CMS, LHCb, LHCf, and totem / eds. Amos Breskin, Rüdiger Voss.
Geneva : CERN, 2009.

F 4.2
Handbook of optics. Vol.1. Geometrical and physical optics, polarized light, components and instruments / ed. Michael Bass. 3. vyd.
New York : McGraw-Hill Company, 2010.

Handbook of optics. Vol.2. Design fabrication and testing; sources and detectors; radiometry and photometry / ed. Michael Bass. 3. vyd.
New York : McGraw-Hill Company, 2010.

Handbook of optics. Vol.3. Vision and vision optics / ed. Michael Bass. 3. vyd.
New York : McGraw-Hill Company, 2010.

Handbook of optics. Vol.4. Optical properties of materials, nonlinear optics, quantum optics / ed. Michael Bass. 3. vyd.

New York : McGraw-Hill Company, 2010. 40887

Handbook of optics. Vol.5. Atmospheric optics, modulators, fiber optics, X-ray and neutron optics / ed. Michael Bass. 3. vyd.
New York : McGraw-Hill Company, 2010.

F 4.3
Optical thin films : user handbook / James D. Rancourt.
Bellingham : SPIE, 1996.

F 4.4
Phase in optics / Vlasta Peřinová, Antonín Lukš, Jan Peřina.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 1998.
( World scientific series in contemporary chemical physics;
Vol.15 ) 40945

Proceedings of the fourth international school of coherent optics / ed. J. Pantoflíček.
Prague : Society of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists, 1984.
Akce: (Bechyně 12.09.-22.09.1983)

Optical tweezers : methods and applications / eds. Miles J. Padgett, Justin E. Molloy, David McGloin.
Boca Raton : Taylor and Francis Group, 2010.

Laser physics / Simon Hooker, Colin Webb.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
( Oxford master series in physics; Vol. 9 )

F 4.5
The finite element method : its basis and fundamentals / O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor, J. Z. Zhu. 6th ed.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005.

The finite element method for solid and structural mechanics / O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor. 6th ed.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005.

F 5.1
Electronic structure of atoms and molecules / Viktor Trkal; [z českého orig. přeložil P. Dolan].
London : Iliffe Books, Prague : SNTL, 1969.

Základy kvantové chemie vyložené bez použití matematiky / Wlodzimierz Kolos; [z polského orig. přeložil Jiří Pancíř].
Praha : Academia, 1987. ( Cesta k vědění; Sv. 39 )

Photochromism : molecules and systems / eds. Heinz Dürr, Henri Bouas-Laurent.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2003.

Roentgenovy X paprsky / Václav Posejpal.
Praha : Jednota československých matematiků a fysiků, 1925.
( Knihovna spisů matematických a fysikálních; Sv. 12 )

Intermolecular and surface forces / Jacob N. Israelachvili. 2. vyd.
Amsterdam : Academic Press, 1991.

Cluster processes in gases and plasmas / Boris M. Smirnov.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2010.

F 5.2
Introduction to plasma spectroscopy / Hans-Joachim Kunze.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2009.
( Springer series on atomic, optical and plasma physics; Vol. 56 )

The quest for a fusion energy reactor : an insider´s account of the INTOR Workshop / Weston M. Stacey.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

Industrial plasma technology : applications from environmental to energy
technologies / eds. Yoshinobu Kawai [a kol.].
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2010.

Spectroscopy of low temperature plasma / Vladimir N. Ochkin.
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2009.

F 5.3
Theoretical microfluidics / Henrik Bruus.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
( Oxford master series in physics; Vol. 18 )

F 6.1
Matiére sensible : mousses, gels, cristaux liquides et autres miracles / Michel Mitov.
Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 2010.

Otto Lehmann : researcher of the liquid crystals / Peter M. Knoll, Hans Kelker.
Norderstedt : Books on Demand, [2010].

F 6.2
Micromechanisms of fracture and fatigue : in a multiscale context / Jaroslav Pokluda, Pavel Šandera.
London : Springer-Verlag, 2010.

Fundamentals and engineering of severe plastic deformation / V. M. Segal...[a kol.].
New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2010.
( Materials science and technologies )

F 6.3
ASM handbook. Vol. 14B. Metalworking : sheet forming / ed. S. L. Semiatin.
Materials Park : ASM International, 2006

F 6.4
Performance and reliability of semiconductor devices / eds. Michael Mastro a kol.
Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2009.

Ferroelectric in microwave devices, circuits and systems : physics, modelling, fabrication and measurements / Spartak Gevorgian.
London : Springer-Verlag, 2009.( Engineering materials and processes )

Optical metamaterials : fundamentals and applications / Wenshan Cai, Vladimir Shalaev.
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, 2010.

Nanostructures & nanomaterials : synthesis, properties & applications / Guozhong Cao.
London : Imperial College Press, 2004.

Introduction to complex medium for optics and electromagnetics / eds. Werner S. Weiglhofer, Aklesh Lakhtakia.
Bellingham : SPIE, 2003.

Electronic materials science / Eugene A. Irene.
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.

F 6.5
Principles of surface physics / Friedhelm Bechstedt.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Introduction to surface physics / Martin Prutton.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1994.

Low energy ion assisted film growth / A. R. González-Elipe, F. Yubero, J. M. Sanz.
London: Imperial College Press, 2003.

Surfaces, interfaces, and thin films for microelectronics / Eugene A. Irene.
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008.

Roll-to-roll vacuum deposition of barrier coatings / Charles A. Bishop.
Salem : Scrivener Publishing, 2010.

F 6.6
Springer handbook of crystal growth / eds. Govindhan Dhanaraj a kol.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2010.

F 7.1
Organic molecular solids / Markus Schwoerer, Hans Christoph Wolf.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2005.

Localized to itinerant electronic transition in perovskite oxides / ed. John B. Goodenough.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2001.
( Structure and bonding; Vol. 98 )

Optical properties of solids / Mark Fox. 2. vyd.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
( Oxford master series in physics; Vol. 3 )

Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems / Supriyo Datta.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 1997.
( Cambridge studies in semiconductor physics and microelectronic engineering; Vol.3 )

Solid state physics : principles and modern applications / John J. Quinn, Kyung-Soo Yi.
Berlin : Springer - Verlag, 2009.

Solid-state physics : an introduction to principles of materials science / Harald Ibach, Hans Lüth. 4. vyd.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2009.

Optical properties and spectroscopy of nanomaterials / Jin Zhong Zhang.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2009.

50 years of Anderson localization / ed. Elihu Abrahams.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2010.

First-principles calculations in real-space formalism : electronic configurations and transport properties
of nanostructures / Kikuji Hirose...[a kol.].
London : Imperial College Press, 2005.

Condensed matter in a nutshell / Gerald D. Mahan.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2011.

Basic aspects of the quantum theory of solids : order and elementary excitations / Daniel I. Khomskii.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

F 7.2
Introduction to semiconductor physics / Holger T. Grahn.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 1999.

Thermodynamic properties of solids : experiment and modeling / eds. Samrath L. Chaplot, Ranjan Mittal, Narayani Choudhury.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2010.

Optičeskije svojstva poluprovodnikov : v vidimoj i uľtrafioletovoj oblastjach spektra / Jan Tauc.
Moskva : Mir, 1967.
( Progress in semiconductors; Vol. 9, pp. 87-133 )

Nanocrystal quantum dots / ed. Victor I. Klimov. 2. vyd.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010.

F 7.5
Physics of magnetism / Söshin Chikazumi.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1964.

Physics of ferromagnetism / Soshin Chikazumi. 2. vyd.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1997.
( International series of monographs on physics; Vol. 94 )

F 7.7
Domain structure in ferroelectrics and related materials / A. S. Sidorkin.
Great Abington : Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2006.

Domains in ferroic crystals and thin films / Alexander K. Tagantsev, L. Eric Cross, Jan Fousek.
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, 2010.

Piezoelektřina. První díl / Václav Petržílka.
Praha : Přírodovědecké vydavatelství, 1951.

Lectures on the electrical properties of materials / Laszlo Solymar, D. Walsh. 5th ed.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1993.

Segnetoelektričeskije kristally / Franco Jona, Gen Shirane.
Moskva : Mir, 1965.

F 7.8
Dynamics at solid state surfaces and interfaces. Vol. 1. Current developments / eds. Uwe Bovensiepen, Hrvoje Petek, Martin Wolf.
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2010.

F 8.1
Atomic force microscopy for biologists / Victor J. Morris, Andrew R. Kirby, A. Patrick Gunning. 2. vyd.
London : Imperial College Press, 2010.

4D electron microscopy : imaging in space and time / Ahmed H. Zewail, John M. Thomas.
London : Imperial College Press, 2010.

Electron backscatter diffraction in materials science / Adam J. Schwartz...[a kol.]. 2. vyd.
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, 2009.

F 8.2
Photoelectron spectroscopy : principles and applications / Stefan Hüfner. 3. vyd.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Raman spectroscopy for soft matter applications / ed. Maher S. Amer.
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009.

Encyclopedia of applied spectroscopy / ed. David L. Andrews.
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2009.

F 8.4
Handbook of electron spin resonance. Vol.2 / eds. Charles P. Poole, Jr., Horacio A. Farach.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1999.

Electron spin resonance : analysis and interpretation / Philip H. Rieger.
Cambridge : The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007.

Electron paramagnetic reonance : elementary theory and practical applications / John Ashley Weil, James R. Bolton. 2. vyd.
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2007.

Electron paramagnetic resonance : a practitioner´s toolkit / eds. Marina Brustolon, Elio Giamello.
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

F 9.1
Particle astrophysics / Donald H. Perkins. 2. vyd.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009.
( Oxford master series in physics; Vol. 10 )

Okna vesmíru dokořán / Jiří Grygar, Vladimír Železný.
Praha : Naše vojsko, 1989.

Gamma-ray bursts : the brightest explosions in the universe / Gilbert Vedrenne, Jean-Luc Atteia.
Berlin : Springer, Chichester : Praxis Publishing, 2009.

Fundamentals of cosmology / James Rich. 2. vyd.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2009.

Foundations of high-energy astrophysics / Mario Vietri.
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2008.

Dark energy : theory and observations / Luca Amendola, Shinji Tsujikawa.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

F 9.2
Globální oteplování Země. Příčiny, průběh, důsledky, řešení / Jaroslav Kadrnožka.
Brno : VUTIUM, 2008.

M 1.1
Lectures on complex networks / Sergey N. Dorogovtsev.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
( Oxford master series in physics; Vol.20 )

Networks : an introduction / Mark E. J. Newman.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

M 1.3
Group 24 : physical and mathematical aspects of symmetries / eds. J.-P. Gazeau...[a kol.].
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003.
( Institute of physics conference series; Number 173 ) ISBN: 0-7503-0933-4 (brož.)
Akce: 24th International colloquium on Group theoretical methods in physics; (Paris 15.07.-20.07.2002)

Klassičeskije gruppy : ich invarianty i predstavlenija / Hermann Weyl.
Moskva : Gosudarstvennoje izdateľstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1947.

Geometric patterns : from Tiles & Brickwork / Robert Field.
Norfolk : Tarquin Publications, 1996.

Group theory : a physicist´s survey / Pierre Ramond.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

M 1.5
Mathematical models / H. Martyn Cundy, A. P. Rollett. 3. vyd.
St. Albans : Tarquin Publications, 1981.

M 1.7
Integraľnaja geometrija i svjazannyje s nej voprosy teorii predstavlenij / Izraiľ Moisejevič Geľfand, Mark Iosifovič Grajev, Naum Jakovlevič Vilenkin.
Moskva : Gosudarstvennoje izdateľstvo fiziko-matematičeskoj literatury, 1962.
( Obobščennyje funkcii; Vypusk 5 )

M 2.1
Osnovy matematičeskogo analiza. Tom 1 / Grigorij Michajlovič Fichtengoľc.
Moskva : Gosudarstvennoje izdateľstvo techniko-teoretičeskoj literatury, 1955.

M 2.8
Integral transforms and their applications / Lokenath Debnath, Dambaru Bhatta. 2. vyd.
Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007

Handbook of Fourier analysis & its applications / Robert J. Marks II.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.

Discrete wavelet transformations : an elementary approach with applications / Patrick Van Fleet.
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

M 3.1
An introduction to random matrices / Greg W. Anderson, Alice Guionnet, Ofer Zeitouni.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
( Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics; Vol. 118 )

M 3.2
Statistická analýza experimentálních dat / Milan Meloun, Jiří Militký. 2. upr. a rozšíř. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 2004.

Week of doctoral students 2009 : proceedings of the 18th annual conference of doctoral students,
Praha 02.-05. June, 2009. : Part II : Physics of plasmas and ionized media / eds. Jana Šafránková, J. Pavlů. Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2009.

Week of doctoral students 2009 : proceedings of the 18th annual conference of doctoral students,
Praha 02.-05. June, 2009. : Part III : Physics / eds. Jana Šafránková, J. Pavlů.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2009.

Škola růstu krystalů : sborník přednášek / eds. Karel Nitsch, Miroslava Rodová.
Praha : MAXDORF, 2000.
Akce: Škola růstu krystalů; (Zlenice 04.09.-05.09.2000)

Škola růstu krystalů : sborník přednášek / eds. Karel Nitsch, Miroslava Rodová.
Praha : MAXDORF, 2002.
Akce: růstu krystalů; (Ostravice 09.09.-10.09.2002)

Škola růstu krystalů 2004 : sborník přednášek / eds. Karel Nitsch, Miroslava Rodová.
Praha : MAXDORF, 2004.
Akce: Škola růstu krystalů; (Lednice 30.08.-31.08.2004)

Škola růstu krystalů 2006 : sborník přednášek / eds. Karel Nitsch, Miroslava Rodová.
Praha : CSCA, 2006.
Akce: Škola růstu krystalů; (Valtice 11.09.-12.09.2006)

Škola růstu krystalů 2008 : sborník přednášek / eds. Karel Nitsch, Miroslava Rodová.
Praha : CSACG, 2008.
Akce: Škola růstu krystalů; (Hnanice-Znojmo 01.09.-02.09.2008)

Long-range interacting systems / eds. Thierry Dauxois, Stefano Ruffo, Leticia F. Cugliandolo.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
( École d´été de physique des Houches; Vol. 90 )
Akce: Les Houches session 90; (Les Houches 04.08.-29.08.2008)

X-ray optics : high-energy-resolution applications / Yuri Shvyďko.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004.
( Springer series in optical sciences; Vol. 98 )

Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften. Vol 2.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1923.

Ferroelektrizität ´84 / eds. Günther Schmidt, Albrecht Rost.
Wittenberg : Martin-Luther-Universität, 1985.
( Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Wissenschaftliche Beiträge; Band 16 )

Ferroelektrizität ´86 / eds. Günther Schmidt, Albrecht Rost.
Wittenberg : Martin-Luther-Universität, 1986.
( Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Wissenschaftliche Beiträge; Band 21 )

Ferroelektrizität ´87 / eds. Günther Schmidt, Albrecht Rost.
Wittenberg : Martin-Luther-Universität, 1987.
( Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Wissenschaftliche Beiträge; Band 24 )

Ferroelektrizität ´88 / eds. Günther Schmidt, Albrecht Rost.
Wittenberg : Martin-Luther-Universität, 1989.
( Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Wissenschaftliche Beiträge; Band 26 )

Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics and quantum computing / eds. Jesper Jacobsen a kol. New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
Akce: École d´été de physique des Houches.; (Le Houches 30.06.-01.08.2008)

Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 61 / eds. Stephen R. Leone a kol.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2010.

High-temperature superconductors / Ajay Kumar Saxena.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2010.
( Springer series in materials science; Vol. 125 )

Atom optics and space physics / eds. E. Arimondo, W. Ertmer, W.P. Schleich.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2009.
( Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi"; Course 168 )
Akce: International school of physics "Enrico Fermi"; Course 168 ( Varenna 3.6.-13.6.2007 )

Measurements of neutrino mass / eds. F. Ferroni, F. Vissani, C. Brofferio.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2009.
( Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi"; Course 170 )
Akce: International school of physics "Enrico Fermi"; Course 170 ( Varenna 17.6.-27.6. 2008 )

Quantum coherence in solid state systems / eds. B. Deveaud-Plédran, A. Quattropani, P. Schwendimann.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2009.
( Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi"; Course 171 )
Akce: International school of physics "Enrico Fermi"; Course 171 ( Varenna 1.7.-11.7.2008 )

Techniques of metals research. Vol. 4. Physicochemical measurements in metals research. Part 1 / ed. Robert A. Rapp.
New York : Interscience Publishers, 1970.

Annual review of materials research. Vol. 40 / eds. David R. Clarke, Manfred Rühle, Frank Zok.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2010.

Particles, fields, and gravitation / ed. Jakub Rembieliński.
Woodbury : American Institute of Physics, 1998.
( AIP conference proceedings; Vol. 453 )
Akce: The conference Particles, fields and gravitation; ( Lódz 15.04.-19.04.1998 )

Dislocation dynamics during plastic deformation / Ulrich Messerschmidt.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2010.
( Springer series in materials science; Vol. 129 )

Springer tracts in modern physics. Vol. 57 / ed. G. Höhler.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1971.

Springer tracts in modern physics. Vol. 53 / ed. G. Höhler.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1970.

Grain boundary segregation in metals / Pavel Lejček.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2010.
( Springer series in materials science; Vol.136 )

Hvězdářská ročenka 2011. Ročník 87. / red. Jakub Rozehnal kol.
Praha : Hvězdárna a planetárium hl. m. Prahy, Astronomický ústav AV ČR, 2010.

Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics and quantum
computing / eds. Jesper Jacobsen .... [a kol.]. New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
Akce: École ďété de Physique des Houches. Session 89; ( Les Houches 30.06.-01.08.2008 )

T 6
Springer handbook of nanotechnology / ed. Bharat Bhushan. 3. upravené vyd.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2010.

Plasma nanoscience : basic concepts and applications of deterministic nanofabrication / Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2008.

Basics of nanotechnology / Horst-Günter Rubahn. 3. upravené vyd.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2008.

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